uni.liNeuigkeitenCitytrip Freiburg and Europapark

Citytrip Freiburg and Europapark

Jussi Heikkonen - On an early saturday morning in May, a group of students packed their bits and pieces into their cars and headed towards Freiburg, the city located in the southwestern part of Germany in Baden-Württemberg.

Jussi Heikkonen - On an early saturday morning in May, a group of students packed their bits and pieces into their cars and headed towards Freiburg, the city located in the southwestern part of Germany in Baden-Württemberg.

With excellent weather conditions, we headed straight to our main destination, Europa-Park. This is the largest theme park in Germany and the second most popular of its kind in Europe, only after the Disneyland in Paris. Some of us got really excited just seeing the various rollercoasters, full of speed, twists and turns. As we saw the steep first drop of the Silver Star rollercoaster, most of us had already made a decision: That would be our first ride. And boy, was it a ride. With a height of 73 meters and a speed of 130 km/h, we could really feel the adrenaline flowing. But that was not all. Europa-Park’s 10 other rollercoasters and various other attractions kept us busy the whole day.

Europa-Park was divided into various sections, named after countries in Europe. Even though queuing was hard work, the park had invested in a nice, attractive environment. Just as an example, you could learn about scandinavian mythology while getting into the new wooden rollercoaster, Wodan.

After a hard day of thrills, we headed to Bollschweil, where we were kindly accommodated by a fellow student from the university. Here we could really enjoy the beautiful Schwarzwald scenery. In the evening we had an exclusive visit to a local restaurant which is open only for a few months during the year. All the ingredients were produced by the owners of the restaurant. You can ask anyone who had the Pfannkuchen mit Bärlauch: The food was just so good. We even got to meet the celebrity of the restaurant, a small boar, who was interested mostly in shoelaces.

The next day, we explored the city of Freiburg and some other towns on our way. We all agreed: What a great weekend!