Laamanen, T., Zimmermann, A., & Bian, D. (2019). Composition of Acquisition Sequences: The Effects of Different Types of Acquisition Patterns on Acquirer Performance. Presented at the 39th Annual International Conference of the Strategic Management Society, Minneapolis.
Präsentation auf wissenschaftlicher Konferenz
While research has shown that variability in the rhythm of an acquisition sequence is negatively related to acquirer performance, we do not know whether this also applies to variability in the types of (explorative and exploitative) acquisitions in such a sequence. Based on a panel study of 153 active acquirers over 25 years, we corroborate prior research, which has shown that combining exploration and exploitation within an individual acquisition is not suited to improve acquirer performance. However, we also found evidence that other compositions of explorative and exploitative acquisition sequences are related either positively or in a u-shaped manner to acquirer performance. As a whole, our findings contribute to an improved understanding on the effectiveness of acquisition sequences to contribute to both exploration and exploitation.
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- Institut für Entrepreneurship
- Lehrstuhl für Entrepreneurship und Strategisches Management