Tuesday, March 25th 2025, 18.00 - 20.00
Lecture Hall 6
University of Liechtenstein
Series of lectures on current developments in Asset and Investment Management. Exchange of ideas amongst professionals of Corporations, Banks, Asset Management, Investment and Insurance Companies, Financial Advisory Services, Tax Administration, Lawyers, Trustees, Fund Managers and Financial Auditors.
Boris Maeder
Boris has an impressive career in private markets. Before joining Coller Capital, Boris spent eight years as the Global Head Private Markets Distribution at UBS Wealth Management, based in Zurich. Under his leadership the business grew to become one of the global leaders in private markets offering solutions for wealth investors. Previously, Boris worked for five years as a Principal at the sovereign wealth fund Abu Dhabi Investment Council, where he oversaw their US private equity portfolio, based in Abu Dhabi.
Prior to his time in the Middle East, Boris was a Senior Vice President at Auda Private Equity in New York, where he ran US and European primary investments for five years. Boris started out his career as an investment professional at the private markets divisions of Allianz and Dresdner Kleinwort Benson in New York, Munich and Frankfurt over the course of five years.
Boris holds a bachelor’s degree (summa cum laude) from the International Management School Malente.
Roman Eggler
Roman Eggler recently joined Coller Capital, the pioneering firm in private market secondaries, as Head of Private Wealth Distribution for the DACH region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland). Prior to this, he spent eight years at Goldman Sachs Asset Management, where he served as a Managing Director in the Client Solutions Group, responsible for the Third Party Wealth business in Switzerland. His career also includes roles at Deutsche Bank in Asset & Wealth Management and positions at POLARIS Investment Advisory, EWM Global, and IBM Global Business Services. Roman holds a BA HSG in Business Administration and an MA HSG in Marketing, Services and Communication Management from the University of St. Gallen. He is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst and completed the Oxford Private Markets Programme at Saïd Business School, University of Oxford.
18.00 - 18.15 Welcome and Introduction
18.15 - 19.00 Presentation and Q&A
19.00 - 20.00 Apéro and Networking
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Professionals from Corporations, Banks, Asset and Investment Management Companies, Insurance Companies, Financial Advisory Services, Tax Administration, Lawyers, Trustees, Fund Managers and Financial Auditors. Graduate and undergraduate students with interest in investments and finance.
Free of charge. Advance registration required.
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