April 27, 2023 12 - 2 pm S7
Curriculum Workshop for Architecture students
The FUTURE of our profession is confronted with huge
challenges. YOU are part of a generation of architects
that can and has to make a difference.
The beginning of CHANGE starts here, during your
academic education. WE give you the opportunity to
actively shape the way architecture is being taught.
We want you to take part in designing the NEW
CURRICULUM of our Bachelor and Master programmes
of the Liechtenstein School of Architecture. We want to
hear your IDEAS and NEEDS.
LET´S SNACK AND TALK! We invite you to a
brainstorming lunch session on the 27th of April at
midday in the seminar room S7.
Take a chance, show courage and use your VOICE!
Valérie Winkelmann
LSA BSc Student & ULSV board
Livia Herle
LSA Alumna, PhD Student & Lecturer LSA
Alina Sonea
LSA Alumna & Research Assistant LSA
Ines Hartmann
RIBA Validation LSA
Alina Sonea, MSc Arch
Mag. (FH) Ines Hartmann
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