Donnerstag, 09.06.2022 17:30 - 19:00
Hörsaal 2
Stock/bond portfolios face headwinds from low starting yields, inflation uncertainty and other macroeconomic risks. What can investors do?
In his presentation, Thomas will explore the stock/bond correlation and its relationship to the inflationary environment, including the implications of inflation uncertainty on the role of bonds as diversifiers. He will also touch upon several possible approaches to managing equity risk concentration, including direct tail protection, illiquid assets, and liquid alternatives. Moreover, Thomas will encourage a discussion on his findings on the complementarity between some illiquid and liquid alternatives, considering how best to diversify increasing allocations to illiquid assets.
Professionals from Corporations, Banks, Asset and Investment Management Companies, Insurance Companies, Financial Advisory Services, Tax Administration, Lawyers, Trustees, Fund Managers and Financial Auditors. Graduate and undergraduate students with interest in investments and finance.
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