Thursday, 02 December 2021
17:30 - 19:00, Lecture Hall 1
Covid-19 Protection Rules:
3G rules strictly apply. Face masks except in lecture hall.
Covid-19 Protection Rules
3G rules strictly apply. The access to this event is restricted to persons who can pre-sent a valid Covid-19 certificate. Please note, that on the campus there is a general obligation to wear a face mask in all indoor areas accessible to the public until you take your seat in the lecture hall.
Katja Boeder will make the case for micro caps as a highly interesting asset class with a favourable risk/return profile in terms of growth, valuation and volatility, and substantial market inefficiencies resulting from little analyst coverage, lower liquidity and a strong regional and sector diversification of business profiles. She will dive into the major questions but also prejudices associated with microcaps and try to give answers to the "why" and "how" of managing microcaps, complemented by several examples of innovative growth stories.
Before joining Mandarine Gestion in 2008 Katja Boeder was an expatriate at former Commerzbank subsidiary CCR Gestion, Paris, where she served as a VP in charge of French institutional investors. Katja started her career at Commerzbank in 1992 in investment banking, debt capital markets origination. Further roles included origination of syndicated loans and relationship management for Commerzbank's international asset management subsidiaries. Katja is a graduate (European economics) of the College of Europe, Bruges/ Belgium, and holds a master's degree in Languages and Economics from the University of Giessen, Germany.
Professionals from Corporations, Banks, Asset and Investment Management Companies, Insurance Companies, Financial Advisory Services, Tax Administration, Lawyers, Trustees, Fund Managers and Financial Auditors. Graduate and undergraduate students with interest in investments and finance.
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