
34th After-Work Lecture: Strategic Investing: an Ownership approach

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Prof. Dr. J. Carlos Jarillo, PHD, DBA, MBA


13.10.2016 18:00 - 19:30


Prof. J. Carlos Jarillo will focus his presentation on the topic “Strategic Investing: an Ownership approach” and its implications. He will compare the pros and cons of Private vs Listed Equity and will look at the long-term real risk of investing in a fundamentally well selected and diversified portfolio of good companies.
Prof. J. Carlos Jarillo has published several books on Corporate Strategy, his last book "Strategic Logic" was reviewed, amongst others, as follows:
“For me, living means permanent learning. The work of José-Carlos Jarillo is one of the very few management books that I will therefore use more than once. It has the potential to become a classic for students and for managers.” [Dr. Erich Hunziker, Member of the Executive Board and Group CFO, Hoffmann-La Roche]


Professionals from Corporations, Banks, Asset and Investment Management Companies, Insurance Companies, Financial Advisory Services, Tax Administration, Lawyers, Trustees, Fund Managers and Financial Auditors. Graduate and undergraduate students with interest in investments and finance.


Dr. Lars Kaiser




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