Prof. em. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti
Dr. Jörg Zeuner
Michael Kurt Frommelt
07.04.2011 17:30 - 19:00
The strength of the Swiss franc is leaving clear footprints in portfolios, firms' balance sheets and individual purchasing power. Several economic and political conditions suggest that the strong franc is here to stay. As the levels of exchange rates have adjusted, the volatility has also widened, increasing the uncertainty in portfolio and cash management.
Dr. Jörg Zeuner will give his outlook for the Swiss franc, the Euro and the US dollar. He will also suggest during the lecture how to manage exchange rate risk in a diversified portfolio across various asset classes and currencies.
Professionals from Corporations, Banks, Asset- and Management Companies, Insurance Companies, Financial Advisory Services, Tax Administration, Lawyers, Trustees, Fund Managers and Financial Auditors
Prof. em. Dr. Marco J. Menichetti
Es gelten die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, welche durch eine Anmeldung verbindlich vereinbart werden.
In den AGB sind u.a. Details zu Rücktrittsrecht/Stornierung und Abbruch sowie Ersatzteilnehmende geregelt.