
5711884: Professional Practice

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Semester:SS 24
Lektionen / Semester:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Selbststudium:157.5 h



Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2019)


    • Understand sustainable strategies in the professional context.
    • Identify key elements of sites, programs and regulations and choose appropriate methods for their resolution in an architectural design project.
    • Apply methods of design in different project phases in a professional environment.
    • Integrate inputs of experts in interdisciplinary collaboration into design and construction projects.
    • Deepen and apply knowledge and skills related to design tasks of projects in different phases.
    • Use basic knowledge about specific clients, user groups or fields of action.
    • Understand social or legal framework conditions of a specific program.
    • Acquire a basic knowledge of the practical implementation of architectural designs.
    • Understand the complexity of a design process from the conceptual start to the final implementation.
    • Translate theoretical knowledge into practice.
    • Take on tasks and demonstrate personal effectiveness in the implementation.
    • Being aware of the different phases of a project and their interrelation.
    • Understand, evaluate and put into practice ideas, information and arguments emerging in the architectural discourse.
    • Understand a sense of responsibility towards society through practical work.
    • Apply for a position in an architural office or a related professional field.
    • Developing given ideas and concepts further.
    • Visualise a project by intelligibly communicating it.
    • Self-evaluate the project and collaborate with a team of an office.
    • Create appropriate presentations of the project work.
    • Teamwork
    • Interdisciplinary and context-based communication.
    • Learn to reflect on given task related to design projects
    • Consciously adopt perspectives on other professions
    • Know, understand and apply mandatory standards of professional oral and written communication.
    • Appropriately transfer and incorporate professional knowledge into project-related contexts.
    • Train problem-solving behaviour