
5711955: FU_Negotiation, Mediation and Conflict Resolution

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Semester:SS 24
Lektionen / Semester:30.0 L / 22.5 h
Selbststudium:67.5 h



Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2012)
Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)
Bachelorstudium Architektur (01.09.2014)
Masterstudium Finance (01.09.2015)
Masterstudium Entrepreneurship und Management (01.09.2018)
Masterstudium Wirtschaftsinformatik (01.09.2019)
Bachelorstudium Architektur (01.09.2019)
Masterstudium Architektur (01.09.2019)
Masterstudium Entrepreneurship und Management (01.09.2020)
Masterstudium Finance (01.09.2020)
Bachelorstudiengang Betriebswirtschaftslehre (01.09.2021)


Course 1: Negotiation Fundamentals
This course gives you access to negotiation practical tools and best practices gathered by Professor Aurélien Colson & his team from assignments in more than seventy countries and in a wide set of sectors, be they services, industry, high tech, or public organizations.

In an interactive manner, this course will help you, among other topics: get prepared for any negotiation; avoid traps; know how to prompt value-creating partnerships; structure an effective negotiation sequence; bargain in an efficient and respectful manner; overcome deadlocks; and much more!

The course must be completed by 22 May 2024.

More information on the course can be found here: https://www.coursera.org/learn/negotiation-fundamentals

Course 2: International and Cross-Cultural Negotiations
All of us are aware that cultural differences are significant and that they affect how we interact with others in business and in leisure activities. But what is culture exactly, and how does it impact on negotiation, in particular?

This course will help you to be more precise about different dimensions of culture, from one region or country to another, while helping you to avoid simplifications, clichés and stereotypes. It will also lead you to a better overall awareness of your own culture.

In addition the course modules will guide you to a better understanding of when and how cultural differences are likely to influence the different dimensions of a negotiation - the people, problems and processes. Armed with that understanding, your awareness, preparation and strategy will be enhanced when you are faced with negotiators from cultures and regions different from your own. Your ability to anticipate and react, your negotiation flexibility, will be improved and refined.

The course must be completed by 22 May 2024.

More information on the course can be found here: https://www.coursera.org/learn/international-negotiation

Course 3: Course Assessment
Critical self reflection on what has been learnt in the two online courses

All parts of this course are free of charge.


see: www.coursera.org/learn/negotiation-fundamentals
see: www.coursera.org/learn/international-negotiation

Course 3: Critical self reflection on what has been learnt in the two online courses.



Courses 1 and 2: Online courses
Course 3: at the University of Liechtenstein

Voraussetzungen (inhaltlich)

English B1/B2
No previous experience necessary

The two online courses have to be completed in order to be allowed to participate in Course 3.


Course 1: 7 quizzes
Course 2: 17 quizzes and 1 peer review
Course 3: Self reflection


23.05.202413:00 - 17:00H3