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Where photography and architecture meet

The final lecture by Walter Niedermayr in the “On the Make” summer semester lecture series organized by the Institute of Architecture and Planning will discuss the parallels between the creative processes of photography and architecture.

The final lecture by Walter Niedermayr in the “On the Make” summer semester lecture series organized by the Institute of Architecture and Planning will discuss the parallels between the creative processes of photography and architecture.

In his lecture entitled “Photography as a related field of perception”, photographer Walter Niedermayr will focus on the visualization of space and spatial atmospheres.
The event will be held at the University of Liechtenstein on Wednesday, 6 June 2012, from 6 p.m. Entry is free.

Spaces as reality structured by humans in the Alpine Landscapes collection by photographer Walter Niedermayr.

Space as structured reality
Since 1985, Walter Niedermayr has been working on projects in which he examines space as a reality occupied and structured by humans, calling into question the ephemeral realm between perception and imagination. This approach is expressed in the collections Alpine Landschaften (Alpine Landscapes) since 1987, Raumfolgen (Space Con/Sequences) since 1991, Rohbauten (Shell Constructions) since 1997, Artefakte (Artifacts) since 1992, and Bildraum (Image-Space) since 2001. The Iran picture series were created between 2005 and 2008. Since 2011, Walter Niedermayr has been a lecturer in Artistic Photography at the Faculty of Design and Art at the Free University of Bozen.

Architecture lecture by Walter Niedermayer
Wednesday, 6 June 2012, from 6.00 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.
In the auditorium of the University of Liechtenstein
Information and registration: carmen.rist@uni.li.