Standard and Non-standard Monetary Policy Measures in the Age of Decentralized and Centralized Trustworthy Services Claiming their Place in the Financial Markets' Infrastructure

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Type and Duration

Preproposal PhD-Thesis, since February 2023


Innovative & Digital Finance

Main Research

Wealth Management


Combing blockchain and monetary policy procedures, I investigate the effects of the introduction of decentralized and centralized trustworthy services (e.g., blockchain-based currency) on standard and non-standard monetary policy measures. It is of great interest to me to scrutinize interactions within and from outside of the monetary cycle that result from those innovations. Will transmission channels, time lags and monetary parameters be influenced once decentralized or centralized digital currencies based on trustworthy systems gain significant importance within the financial markets (and how)? And what will be the role, risks and chances of new players and entities entering the playing field of our economic, monetary, and judicial system, for example DAOs (decentralized autonomous organizations)?

Models or experiments used in course of the introduction of other then topical instruments (e.g., repurchase agreements) will be redesigned and used for an assessment of this latest evolutionary stage. I plan on addressing the consequences and chances for wealth management, as well as potential challenges and opportunities for our local financial hub in Liechtenstein.

DAO: new player, new structure – does it make a difference (for monetary policy) and what is it at all? (1-2 letters)

Applicability of standard and nonstandard monetary policy measures after the introduction of central bank digital currencies and other trustworthy systems (1-3 letters)

CBDCs and time lags (1-2 letters)

My first paper will concern decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) and their positioning in our Liechtenstein financial hub.