Auf dem Weg zu einer Periodisierung der Urbanisierung im Alpenrheintal

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Type and Duration

FFF-Förderprojekt, September 2023 until December 2024


Urbanism, Architecture & Society

Main Research

Sustainable Planning and Construction


Urbanization and ruralization as well as centrality and periphery are two of the central binaries in
Contemporary research on the uneven geographies of capitalist urbanization. Whilst commonly
perceived as sets of two opposites, academic endevour brings to the fore how socio-spatial and
socio-material configurations for many decades are blends of these binaries that dynamically reconfigure
the urban fabric (Roy 2016; Flowe 2022a; Gündogan 2021; Gillen et al. 2022; Krause
2013). On hand of the trinational region Alpenrheintal, this research project hence investigates
two research objectives: First, we aim to uncover processes of urbanization in the trinational region
Alpenrheintal and the specific socio-spatial constellations that have been produced and reconfigured
during the past 200 years. Our second research interest revolves around the local and
regional socio-spatial processes that (re-)produce centralities and peripheries in the Alpenrheintal
and how these are influenced by global processes. With this project we can build on work
from within the Urbanism and Society research group and consequently lay the foundaition for
further research in this extended urban region.

Practical Application

The project is intended to contribute to the establishment of a network of academic and practical partners in the Alpine Rhine Valley and its immediate surroundings. In doing so, the discussion about urbanization processes in the region should be put on a scientific foundation and long-term processes should be included in the discussion.

Reference to Liechtenstein

By looking at the Alpine Rhine Valley as well as its neighboring regions, historical and current interconnections of Liechtenstein in the urbanization process of the region are to be worked out.


Urban Change

Principal Investigator


  • Herburger, J. (2024). “In densification we trust” – on the role of abstract space in the production of urban densification in the Alpine Rhine Valley. Urban Geography, 1-21.
