University of Liechtenstein Alumni Club 

Logo_UNILI_Alumni_pos_4c.jpgAs former students of the University of Liechtenstein, the alumni constitute an important pillar of our future. Whether as ambassadors for the university or as a link with industry, politics and society, the alumni contribute to the shaping of our young university long after they have completed their studies.

The Club of the University of Liechtenstein Alumni (ULA) provides a central platform for exchange so that our alumni can remain in contact. 

We would like to strengthen the solidarity among former students and their relationship to the university and its students, as well as lifelong learning and the mutual exchange of experiences. Former students have the opportunity to stay in contact with their alma mater through various events and thus expand their personal network.
Whether newsletter, alumni of the month or the annual reunion - there are many opportunities to stay up to date after graduation and to actively participate in the life of the University of Liechtenstein and its people.


Current events

We are very pleased to see you at the Architecture Alumni Reunion and
to the summer festival of the Liechtenstein School of Architecure! 

    • 4.00-5.00 pm Architecture Alumni get together

    • 5.00-6.00 pm Campus tour

    • 6.00 pm Architecture Alumni Reunion & Summer party

Register now


Regular membership can be acquired by:
a) all former students of the University of Liechtenstein
b) graduates of other universities who have been enrolled at the University of Liechtenstein for at least one semester.   
In addition, extraordinary membership status may be conferred on members of the teaching body or on persons and persons / institutions having a particular relationship with the university.  

Regular membership is granted on the applicant’s signing a Declaration of Enrolment. Admission of extraordinary and honorary members will be jointly decided by the university’s Advisory Board and Coordination Office.

No subscription is charged for membership of the ULA. Members can make a voluntary annual contribution at their own discretion. Sponsoring members can make a contribution to the funding of alumni-related projects, university projects, events or scholarships. Members’ contributions will be used exclusively for the work of the alumni.  

Join Alumni Plattform 

Offers for ULA Members

University of Liechtenstein Alumni receive a 10% discount on all continuing education offers of the University of Liechtenstein.

University of Liechtenstein Alumni (ULA)

Mission Statement
The aim of the University of Liechtenstein Alumni (ULA) is an alumni management that is jointly organized by the University of Liechtenstein and the alumni themselves.

We want to strengthen the ties among the former students and the relationship with the University and its students as well as lifelong learning and the mutual exchange of experience.

On August 5, 2014, the rectorate has approved the by-laws of ULA.
The organs of the ULA are the Coordination Office for Alumni of the University of Liechtenstein as well as an advisory board that consists of engaged alumni. The Coordination Office for Alumni is the direct connection of all alumni to the University of Liechtenstein. The Coordination Office is accompanied and advised by the board, which is open to all interested alumni.
ULA is based on the conviction that successful alumni work can only be lived if university and alumni act together. Together, work priorities and strategies are developed and decided.

Advisory Board
The main tasks of the volunteer advisory board are providing advice and ideas for ULA and the Coordination Office. The board shall assist the alumni work by the introduction of projects and ideas, through direct contact with other alumni.
Starting from the winter semester 2017/2018 the Alumni Club team will receive support from the new advisory board: Anna Schoch (MSc ENT), Wolfdieter Schnee (MSc BFM), Michael Schneider (MAS WING) and Richard Balek (BSc BWL).

Coordination Office
The Coordination Office sees itself as a communication platform, coordinates the operations of the ULA, maintains the database, and is the first point of contact for members. Regional groups and course-specific groups are supported by the Coordination Office in all matters. The Coordination Office cultivates and maintains the social-media platforms and groups and inform members with regular newsletters about current developments at the University of Liechtenstein, activities and career opportunities for alumni.

We would be delighted if as many of you would join this new organization in order to enlarge the network, continue to shape the development of the university and to maintain contact with the university but also to former fellow students.

By-laws of ULA
Declaration of EnrolmentAlumni Plattform