Series of Events


“Compliance” as an umbrella term for strategies and systems developed for the prevention of rule violation has long been a common term in the German-speaking business world.

Originating in the Anglo-American banking world, the term covers a variety of heterogeneous legal fields, such as banking law, corporate law, tax law, data protection law, IT law, criminal law, European and EEA law. In addition to banks, in particular companies, insurance and mutual fund companies and the public administration are confronted with the topic of compliance. Compliance as an interdisciplinary subject is however concerned with much more than the mere adherence to laws.

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Compliance-Day 2024: Mathias Bartel; Dr. Reto Degen; Pascal Eggenberger; Stefan Moser; Prof. Dr. Konstantina Papathanasiou, LL.M.; Martin Raffelsberger; Veronika Schlegel; Michael Schneebeli

Compliance-Day 2023: Christian Bitterwolf; Philipp Fuchs, LL.M.; Daniel Gehri; Dr. Siegfried Herzog, LL.M.; Dr. Lars Kaiser; Marco Merle; Veronika Schlegel; Michael Schneebeli

Compliance-Day 2022:
Dr. iur. Dominique CasuttDaniel GehriLarissa MajerJan MalarMarkus ReinacherPeter Schieferer; Dr. Elena SeiserPascal SprengerStefanie Thurner; Dr. iur. Kornelia Vallaster, LL.M.

Compliance-Day 2021: Dr. Alexander Amann, LL.M.; Ass.-Prof. Dr. Alexandra Butterstein, LL.M.; Philippe FleuryAndré HoffmannSascha Meier; lic. iur. Werner Meyer, TEP; Prof. Dr. Roland Müller; Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr

Compliance-Day 2020:
Dr. Georges Baur; Dr. Alexandra Butterstein, LL.M.; Dr. Siegfried Herzog, LL.M.; MMag. David Karl Jandrasits; Dr. Daniela Jaros, LL.M.; Christian Minkus; Prof. Dr. Roland Müller; Dr. Stephan Ochsner; Prof. Dr. Nicolas Raschauer; Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr; Dr. Wilhelm Ungerank, LL.M.

Compliance-Day 2019: 
Mirko Haase; Mag. Thomas Hosp, LL.M.; Dr. iur. Patrick Hunger, LL.M., EMBA, EMCCC; Univ.-Prof. DDr. Peter Lewisch; Markus Meier; lic. iur. Werner Meyer, TEP; Prof. Dr. Roland Müller; lic. oec. publ. Olaf von der Lage, LL.M.; Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Wessely, LL.M.

Compliance-Day 2018:
 MMag. Dr. Thomas Feldkircher; Philipp Lüttmann; Prof. Dr. Roland Müller; Alexander Rey; Philipp Rosenauer; Dr. oec. HSG Alexander Schuchter; Mag. Franz-Anton Steurer; Dr. iur. Wilhelm Ungerank, LL.M.; MMag. Dr. Matthias Wagner

Compliance-Day 2017: Dr. oec. Jürgen Brücker; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Gruber; Hubert Krattinger; Dr. Zora Ledergerber; Prof. Dr. Roland Müller; Prof. Dr. Nicolas Raschauer; Philipp Rosenauer, MLaw, MSc; Prof. Dr. Richard Soyer; Dr. iur. Georg A. Stöckl; Kenan Tur; Olaf von der Lage; Priv.-Doz. Dr. Wolfgang Wessely, LL.M.

Compliance-Day 2016: Dr. Otto Dietrich; Dr. Marian Eleganti; Reto Gareus; Dipl.-Betriebsw. Hans-Peter Geil; Yves Hollenstein; Hubert Krattinger; Prof. Dr. Roland Müller; Dr. Urs Roth-Cuony; Mag. iur. Philipp Röser; Dr. iur. Wilhelm Ungerank, LL.M.

Compliance-Day 2015: Jürg Frei; Dr. iur. Johannes Gasser, LL.M.; Mario Gassner; RA Dr. iur. Patrick Hunger, LL.M.; Hubert Krattinger; Dr. Philipp Mittelberger; Dr. Urs Roth-Cuony; Michael Schneebeli; Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr; Olaf von der Lage; Prof. Dr. Martin Wenz; Prof. Dr. Dirk Zetzsche, LL.M.

Compliance-Day 2014: lic. iur. HSG Patrick Bont, LL.M., MBA; Dr. iur. Christine Brucker; André Pfanner, MBA; Dr. Urs Roth-Cuony; Michael Schneebeli; Susan Schneider-Köder; lic. iur. RA Michael Schöb; Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr; lic. iur. Monika Vicandi, LL.M.; Olaf von der Lage; Prof. Dr. Dirk Zetzsche, LL.M.

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