Module SS 2025
- Research Colloquium with Discussion (ECO & FIN) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The purpose of this course is twofold: First, invited talks by researchers from other institutions (and, occasionally, from the University of Liechtenstein) bring students in touch with cutting-edge research in their field. Second, students learn how to give an academic discussion of a paper using one of the talks as an example. The discussion will be delivered immediately after the talk in the research colloquium, and students will receive feedback on their performance. Our goal is to provide research colloquia for all specializations, but the course may not be offered for all specializations in each academic year. Students from two specializations may be gathered into one colloquium for organizational reasons. Key topics covered are: Current research in business economics Structure and content of an academic paper discussion
- Research Colloquium (Vorlesung / Übung) Stöckl
- Research Colloquium with Discussion (ENT & IS) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Research Colloquium with Presentation (ECO & FIN) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The purpose of this course is twofold: First, invited talks by researchers from other institutions (and, occasionally, from the University of Liechtenstein) bring students in touch with cutting-edge research in their field. Second, students learn how to give an academic presentation of one of their research papers. Students will receive feedback on their performance. Our goal is to provide research colloquia for all specializations, but the course may not be offered for all specializations in each academic year. Students from two specializations may be gathered into one colloquium for organizational reasons. Key topics covered are: Current research in business economics Structure and content of an academic paper discussion
- Research Colloquium (Vorlesung / Übung) Stöckl
- Research Colloquium with Presentation (ENT & IS) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Research Project and Scientific Publishing B (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This course provides a comprehensive guide to the research process for PhD students across different research fields. It is organized in two formally separate courses, Part A and Part B. Part A (in the Winter Term) is hands-on research and focuses on developing a draft research paper from scratch or beginning with the initial research proposal students might have. It covers all stages of the process, from formulating clear research questions, through detailed literature review, choice of research methodology and data analysis toolkit, to putting the first draft together. In Part B (in the Summer Term) students delve also into professional aspects of the academic research process. They first learn about research funding and related schemes. Then they develop comprehensive understanding of research design, practice presenting their research results effectively, thus preparing for seminars and conferences, and finally explore different stages of the publication process, including crafting cover letters for journal submissions and participating in the peer review process. Students can start with either Term, although it is recommended to begin with Part A. Nevertheless, both Part A and Part B are designed to be independent and complementary. In the Summer Term in Part B, students who completed the Winter Term work on their assignments based on the draft research paper they completed in Part A. Instead, those students starting with Part B in the Summer Term work on their assignments using an established published paper of their choice from within their research field, as case study, to explore also these professional aspects of the research process. In the Winter Term in Part A, students who decided to complete Part B in the Summer Term first, thus working with an established published paper of their choice, work on writing their draft research paper and are expected to apply knowledge gained in Part B to their output later at their own discretion.
Key topics covered in part B are:
• Research Design.
• Write and present research findings for different purposes.
• The publication process. • Funding sources and related competencies.
• Ethical standards in research.- Research Project and Scientific Publishing B (Vorlesung / Übung) Laskov
Module WS 2024/2025
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal is a research plan. The contents of the research proposal are governed by the curricula of the doctoral degree programmes. If a cumulative dissertation is intended, it is necessary to mention the publication journals and the number of publications planned. The formal aspects of the research proposal must comply with the "Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers at the University of Liechtenstein".
In the colloquium on the research proposal, the doctoral student shall present his/her dissertation project and provide reasons for his/her chosen approach.- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Colloquium with Discussion (ECO & FIN) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The purpose of this course is twofold: First, invited talks by researchers from other institutions (and, occasionally, from the University of Liechtenstein) bring students in touch with cutting-edge research in their field. Second, students learn how to give an academic discussion of a paper using one of the talks as an example. The discussion will be delivered immediately after the talk in the research colloquium, and students will receive feedback on their performance. Our goal is to provide research colloquia for all specializations, but the course may not be offered for all specializations in each academic year. Students from two specializations may be gathered into one colloquium for organizational reasons. Key topics covered are: Current research in business economics Structure and content of an academic paper discussion
- Research Colloquium (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Research Colloquium with Presentation (ECO & FIN) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Research Project and Scientific Publishing A (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This course provides a comprehensive guide to the research process for PhD students across different research fields. It is organized in two formally separate courses, Part A and Part B. Part A (in the Winter Term) is hands-on research and focuses on developing a draft research paper from scratch or beginning with the initial research proposal students might have. It covers all stages of the process, from formulating clear research questions, through detailed literature review, choice of research methodology and data analysis toolkit, to putting the first draft together. In Part B (in the Summer Term) students delve also into professional aspects of the academic research process. They first learn about research funding and related schemes. Then they develop comprehensive understanding of research design, practice presenting their research results effectively, thus preparing for seminars and conferences, and finally explore different stages of the publication process, including crafting cover letters for journal submissions and participating in the peer review process.
Students can start with either Term, although it is recommended to begin with Part A. Nevertheless, both Part A and Part B are designed to be independent and complementary. In the Summer Term in Part B, students who completed the Winter Term work on their assignments based on the draft research paper they completed in Part A. Instead, those students starting with Part B in the Summer Term work on their assignments using an established published paper of their choice from within their research field, as case study, to explore also these professional aspects of the research process. In the Winter Term in Part A, students who decided to complete Part B in the Summer Term first, thus working with an established published paper of their choice, work on writing their draft research paper and are expected to apply knowledge gained in Part B to their output later at their own discretion.
Key topics covered in part A are:
• Stages of the PhD research process.
• Develop research questions and hypotheses rigorously.
• Conduct a comprehensive literature review in a systematic way.
• Choose and implement research methodologies that match.
• Analyze and interpret research data from different sources.
• Write and present research findings effectively.- Research Project and Scientific Publishing A (Vorlesung / Übung) Dubiel-Teleszynski, Apruzzese
Module SS 2024
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Simon Liegl (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Tian Luan (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Sebastian Moder (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Arabella Nigg-Stock (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Manuel Weber (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal is a research plan. The contents of the research proposal are governed by the curricula of the doctoral degree programmes. If a cumulative dissertation is intended, it is necessary to mention the publication journals and the number of publications planned. The formal aspects of the research proposal must comply with the "Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers at the University of Liechtenstein".
In the colloquium on the research proposal, the doctoral student shall present his/her dissertation project and provide reasons for his/her chosen approach.- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Colloquium (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module is a cross-faculty elective course of all PhD programmes of the University of Liechtenstein. It is a joint course, involving students from different schools, in order to broaden the students` horizon beyond their individual disciplinary focus and to enable them to reflect and discuss their own work from the perspective of different disciplines.
The course is organized in form of a Doctoral Consortium, in which participants present their research and discuss it with the faculty and fellow PhD students of the course. The primary objective of the research colloquium is to present and justify the PhD students' research in an interdisciplinary research colloquium.
Assessment by the professors enables candidates to appraise if their research ideas meet the requirements and goals of a dissertation. Since the research colloquium is mentored by an interdisciplinary academic committee, this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students receive feedback on their research by faculty members of different faculties. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results. As a research colloquium the module aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, the module is designed to position and reflect their work in academic research communities beyond their own fields.
The interdisciplinary nature of the course is an important element to enable the students to engage with other in making contributions of value to society. We understand that such solutions do not come from single disciplines but live on the interdisciplinary discourse, which requires both methodological as well as conceptual and social skills, which are delivered in this course.
Students benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and debating results with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frameworks, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to comply with the respective research standards.
This module addresses the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original.- Research Colloquium (Seminar) Schneider
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools.
The course will cover the following topics:- Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
- Research design and the use of theory
- Research questions and hypotheses
- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative methods
- Mixed method procedures
- Transdisciplinary research
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Furtner
- Research Methods in Information Systems (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information Systems" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information systems research.
Subjects dealt with in the module comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioral science
- Rigor vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information Systems (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services and Economics (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module includes participation in a specialized external methodology course and (in case of missing ECTS) in the "Finance Research Seminar", offered at the University of Liechtenstein.
Research Methods in International Financial Services can vary widely in design and content, as they cover a specific research area either in Banking or in Finance or in Taxation. This module description is an example and developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be chosen and credited.- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
Finance Research Seminar:
Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in the "Finance Research Seminar", a seminar with invited guest speakers from foreign universities, presenting a piece of their most current work.
By attending the "Finance Research Seminar" the student has the opportunity to extend the knowledge gained from the very specific outside methodology course with further methodological approaches and to relate and his chosen research methodology to other methodologies in use in the field of Banking, Finance and Taxation. The "Finance Research Seminar" will be offered every semester or every second semester.
In case outside courses are offered with less than 5 ECTS, the student could earn additional ECTS by presenting a well developed paper in the "Finance Research Seminar".- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services and Economics (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information Systems (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the students' education: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work to an international audience, the summer school is supposed to deepen the students' methodological skills. In addition, working together with professors and PhD students from abroad also contributes to developing the students' social and communicative skills in an international and intercultural environment.
- Summer School on Information Systems (Seminar)
Module WS 2023/2024
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module serves manifold competencies: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information Systems (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module serves manifold competencies: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally renowned doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competencies of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.- Doctoral Consortium on Information Systems (Vorlesung)
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal is a research plan. The contents of the research proposal are governed by the curricula of the doctoral degree programmes. If a cumulative dissertation is intended, it is necessary to mention the publication journals and the number of publications planned. The formal aspects of the research proposal must comply with the "Guidelines for Writing Academic Papers at the University of Liechtenstein".
In the colloquium on the research proposal, the doctoral student shall present his/her dissertation project and provide reasons for his/her chosen approach.- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Colloquium (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module is a cross-faculty elective course of all PhD programmes of the University of Liechtenstein. It is a joint course, involving students from different schools, in order to broaden the students` horizon beyond their individual disciplinary focus and to enable them to reflect and discuss their own work from the perspective of different disciplines.
The course is organized in form of a Doctoral Consortium, in which participants present their research and discuss it with the faculty and fellow PhD students of the course. The primary objective of the research colloquium is to present and justify the PhD students' research in an interdisciplinary research colloquium.
Assessment by the professors enables candidates to appraise if their research ideas meet the requirements and goals of a dissertation. Since the research colloquium is mentored by an interdisciplinary academic committee, this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students receive feedback on their research by faculty members of different faculties. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results. As a research colloquium the module aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, the module is designed to position and reflect their work in academic research communities beyond their own fields.
The interdisciplinary nature of the course is an important element to enable the students to engage with other in making contributions of value to society. We understand that such solutions do not come from single disciplines but live on the interdisciplinary discourse, which requires both methodological as well as conceptual and social skills, which are delivered in this course.
Students benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and debating results with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frameworks, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to comply with the respective research standards.
This module addresses the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original.- Research Colloquium (Seminar) Laskov
- Research Design and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module is a requisite cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programme Business Economics. It addresses fundamental aspects of research design and management with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein.
Research design can be broadly conceived of as the high-level plan to conducting research projects in the service of answering research questions. A research design links the key parts of a research endeavour to form a coherent scheme, under consideration of ontological, epistemological, and methodological choices. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frame-works, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to ensure key criteria including validity and reliability.
Research management skills address the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, build an international research network, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original. Through our approach towards innovative doctoral education, we contribute to embracing some key aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU).- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Bayrle-Kelso, Brecht, Chandra Kruse, Furtner, Hanke, Kirn, Laskov, Schenk, Schneider, Stöckl
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation. This module focuses on specific aspects of Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (I or II) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The module is designed to guide students in developing their scientific writing skills in particular, and critical thinking in general. Students learn how to make their scientific arguments clear and how to convey them convincingly in writing. They also gain insights into academic publishing and learn about different editorial and review processes. More importantly, the module prepares students to participate meaningfully in the global scientific discourse of their academic disciplines.
The module covers three areas:- The structure and style of scientific manuscripts
- Peer-review and other editorial processes in academic publishing
- The principles of academic writing
- Scientific Writing (Seminar) Chandra Kruse
- Scientific Writing (I+II) (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The module is designed to guide students in developing their scientific writing skills in particular, and critical thinking in general. Students learn how to make their scientific arguments clear and how to convey them convincingly in writing. They also gain insights into academic publishing and learn about different editorial and review processes. More importantly, the module prepares students to participate meaningfully in the global scientific discourse of their academic disciplines.
The module covers three areas:- The structure and style of scientific manuscripts
- Peer-review and other editorial processes in academic publishing
- The principles of academic writing
- Scientific Writing (Seminar) Chandra Kruse
- Theorizing in Business Research (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The aim of this module is to encourage students to reflect upon their dissertation project from different theoretical angles. The changing nature of technology, and concordant transformation of the social and organizational landscape means we continuously need both new tools, techniques, approaches, thinking and theories and to adapt existing ones to our particular situation. Hence, this module should provide the students with an overview on current theoretical approaches that fit with their research focus and have a solid basis for future research endeavours.
- Theorizing in Business Research (Vorlesung) Grisold
Module SS 2023
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Piotr Kotlarz (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Marcus Basalla (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Djordje Zivkovic (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Rozkov Deniss (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Hendrik Idema (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- Research Colloquium (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools.
The course will cover the following topics:- Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
- Research design and the use of theory
- Research questions and hypotheses
- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative methods
- Mixed method procedures
- Transdisciplinary research
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Furtner
- Research Methods in Information Systems (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information Systems" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information systems research.
Subjects dealt with in the module comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioral science
- Rigor vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information Systems (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Grisold
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module includes participation in a specialized external methodology course and (in case of missing ECTS) in the "Finance Research Seminar", offered at the University of Liechtenstein.
Research Methods in International Financial Services can vary widely in design and content, as they cover a specific research area either in Banking or in Finance or in Taxation. This module description is an example and developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be chosen and credited.- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
Finance Research Seminar:
Additionally, students have the opportunity to participate in the "Finance Research Seminar", a seminar with invited guest speakers from foreign universities, presenting a piece of their most current work.
By attending the "Finance Research Seminar" the student has the opportunity to extend the knowledge gained from the very specific outside methodology course with further methodological approaches and to relate and his chosen research methodology to other methodologies in use in the field of Banking, Finance and Taxation. The "Finance Research Seminar" will be offered every semester or every second semester.
In case outside courses are offered with less than 5 ECTS, the student could earn additional ECTS by presenting a well developed paper in the "Finance Research Seminar".- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The module is designed to guide students in developing their scientific writing skills in particular, and critical thinking in general. Students learn how to make their scientific arguments clear and how to convey them convincingly in writing. They also gain insights into academic publishing and learn about different editorial and review processes. More importantly, the module prepares students to participate meaningfully in the global scientific discourse of their academic disciplines.
The module covers three areas:- The structure and style of scientific manuscripts
- Peer-review and other editorial processes in academic publishing
- The principles of academic writing
- Scientific Writing (Seminar) Chandra Kruse
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information Systems (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the students' education: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work to an international audience, the summer school is supposed to deepen the students' methodological skills. In addition, working together with professors and PhD students from abroad also contributes to developing the students' social and communicative skills in an international and intercultural environment.
- Summer School on Information Systems (Seminar)
Module WS 2022/2023
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Kilian Klösel (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Elke Weihard (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Matthias Herrmann-Romero (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Yulia Litvinova (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module serves manifold competencies: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information Systems (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module serves manifold competencies: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally renowned doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competencies of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.- Doctoral Consortium on Information Systems (Vorlesung)
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- Research Colloquium (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module is a cross-faculty elective course of all PhD programmes of the University of Liechtenstein. It is a joint course, involving students from different schools, in order to broaden the students` horizon beyond their individual disciplinary focus and to enable them to reflect and discuss their own work from the perspective of different disciplines.
The course is organized in form of a Doctoral Consortium, in which participants present their research and discuss it with the faculty and fellow PhD students of the course. The primary objective of the research colloquium is to present and justify the PhD students' research in an interdisciplinary research colloquium.
Assessment by the professors enables candidates to appraise if their research ideas meet the requirements and goals of a dissertation. Since the research colloquium is mentored by an interdisciplinary academic committee, this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students receive feedback on their research by faculty members of different faculties. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results. As a research colloquium the module aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, the module is designed to position and reflect their work in academic research communities beyond their own fields.
The interdisciplinary nature of the course is an important element to enable the students to engage with other in making contributions of value to society. We understand that such solutions do not come from single disciplines but live on the interdisciplinary discourse, which requires both methodological as well as conceptual and social skills, which are delivered in this course.
Students benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and debating results with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frameworks, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to comply with the respective research standards.
This module addresses the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original.- Research Colloquium (Seminar) vom Brocke
- Research Design and Management (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module is a requisite cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programme Business Economics. It addresses fundamental aspects of research design and management with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein.
Research design can be broadly conceived of as the high-level plan to conducting research projects in the service of answering research questions. A research design links the key parts of a research endeavour to form a coherent scheme, under consideration of ontological, epistemological, and methodological choices. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frame-works, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to ensure key criteria including validity and reliability.
Research management skills address the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, build an international research network, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original. Through our approach towards innovative doctoral education, we contribute to embracing some key aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU).- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Angerer, Schneider, Kirn, Stöckl, vom Brocke, Furtner, Bayrle-Kelso, Seidel, Zimmermann, Chandra Kruse, Brecht, Schenk
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation. This module focuses on specific aspects of Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The module is designed to guide students in developing their scientific writing skills in particular, and critical thinking in general. Students learn how to make their scientific arguments clear and how to convey them convincingly in writing. They also gain insights into academic publishing and learn about different editorial and review processes. More importantly, the module prepares students to participate meaningfully in the global scientific discourse of their academic disciplines.
The module covers three areas:- The structure and style of scientific manuscripts
- Peer-review and other editorial processes in academic publishing
- The principles of academic writing
- Scientific Writing (Seminar) Chandra Kruse
- Theorizing in Business Research (Modul/LV/Prüfung)
- The aim of this module is to encourage students to reflect upon their dissertation project from different theoretical angles. The changing nature of technology, and concordant transformation of the social and organizational landscape means we continuously need both new tools, techniques, approaches, thinking and theories and to adapt existing ones to our particular situation. Hence, this module should provide the students with an overview on current theoretical approaches that fit with their research focus and have a solid basis for future research endeavours.
- Theorizing in Business Research (Vorlesung) Grisold
Module SS 2022
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Rene Abraham (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Christoph Frick (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Markus Heck (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Joshua Handali (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Anna Katharina Bachmann (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools.
The course will cover the following topics:
Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
Research design and the use of theoryResearch questions and hypotheses
Quantitative methods
Qualitative methods
Mixed method procedures
Transdisciplinary research- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Furtner
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Modul/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information and process management research.
Subjects dealt with in the module comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioural science
- Rigour vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Seidel, Grisold
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services can be very different, depending on the specific research area of Banking, Finance and Taxation. This module description is developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be choosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Übung) Chandra Kruse
- Knowledge Management:
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the students' education: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work to an international audience, the summer school is supposed to deepen the students' methodological skills. In addition, working together with professors and PhD students from abroad also contributes to developing the students' social and communicative skills in an international and intercultural environment.
Module WS 2021/2022
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Dalal Elarji (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Valentin Holzwarth (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Design and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module is a requisite cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs in Architecture and Planning as well as Business Economics. It addresses fundamental aspects of research design and management with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein.
Research design can be broadly conceived of as the high-level plan to conducting research projects in the service of answering research questions. A research design links the key parts of a research endeavour to form a coherent scheme, under consideration of ontological, epistemological, and methodological choices. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frameworks, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to ensure key criteria including validity and reliability.
Research management skills address the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, build an international research network, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original. Combining research design and management skills across two doctoral programs helps us bring together diverse cohorts and integrate scientifically rigorous training with elements of professional development training. Through our approach towards innovative doctoral education, we contribute to embracing some key aspirations of the League of Eu-ropean Research Universities (LERU).- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Angerer, Schneider, Kirn, Stockhammer, Stöckl, vom Brocke, Michels, Furtner, Brandl, Thies, Seidel, Zimmermann, Chandra Kruse, Brecht, Schenk, Meister
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation.
This module could focus on Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained. During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc.Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc.Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Vorlesung / Übung) Chandra Kruse
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained. During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:Knowledge Management:
- Theory of the Firm (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module aims at fostering professional competences. In particular, an overview on theories of the firm is given in order to provide students with a profound background for better understanding the various current topics of their discipline. The set of theories dealt with in the course will continuously be reviewed and adapted.
- Theory of the Firm (Seminar) Grisold
Module SS 2021
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Hendrik Peer Kimmerle (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Peyman Badakhshan (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools.
The course will cover the following topics:
Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
Research design and the use of theoryResearch questions and hypotheses
Quantitative methods
Qualitative methods
Mixed method procedures
Transdisciplinary research- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Thies
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Modul/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information and process management research.
Subjects dealt with in the module comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioural science
- Rigour vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Seidel, Grisold
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services can be very different, depending on the specific research area of Banking, Finance and Taxation. This module description is developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be choosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Übung) Chandra Kruse
- Knowledge Management:
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the students' education: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work to an international audience, the summer school is supposed to deepen the students' methodological skills. In addition, working together with professors and PhD students from abroad also contributes to developing the students' social and communicative skills in an international and intercultural environment.
Module WS 2020/2021
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Michael Kamm (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Demelza Hays (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Jan Gunter Langhof (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Design and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module is a requisite cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs in Architecture and Planning as well Business Economics. It addresses fundamental aspects of research design and management with a focus on the specific disciplines, styles of inquiry, and learning cultures at the University of Liechtenstein.
Research design can be broadly conceived of as the high-level plan to conducting research projects in the service of answering research questions. A research design links the key parts of a research endeavour to form a coherent scheme, under consideration of ontological, epistemological, and methodological choices. Key elements include the problematization, research question, relevant theoretical lenses and conceptual frameworks, specific strategies of inquiry, and measures to ensure key criteria including validity and reliability.
Research management skills address the researcher's ability to manage projects, work autonomously, build an international research network, think analytically, and be creative, inquisitive, and original. Combining research design and management skills across two doctoral programs helps us bring together diverse cohorts and integrate scientifically rigorous training with elements of professional development training. Through our approach towards innovative doctoral education we contribute to embracing some key aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU).- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Angerer, Schneider, Kirn, Staub, Stöckl, vom Brocke, Michels, Furtner, Brandl, Thies, Kaps, Seidel, Zimmermann, Chandra Kruse, Brecht, Schenk, Meister
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation.
This module could focus on Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained. During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc.Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc.Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Vorlesung / Übung) Chandra Kruse
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained. During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:Knowledge Management:
- Theory of the Firm (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module aims at fostering professional competences. In particular, an overview on theories of the firm is given in order to provide students with a profound background for better understanding the various current topics of their discipline. The set of theories dealt with in the course will continuously be reviewed and adapted. So far, the following theories of the firm are considered to be particularly relevant for all three doctoral programs currently being offered by the graduate school:
- Introduction to the Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- The Nature of the Firm and the Problem of Social Cost (Ass.Prof. Dr. Tanja Kirn)
- Agency Theory (Prof. Dr. Marco Menicetti)
- Transactioncost Theory (Dr. Martin Angerer)
- Information Processing Theory (Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke)
- Resource-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- Theory of the Firm (Seminar) Thies
Module SS 2020
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Lena Franziska Kaiser (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Roope Jaakonmäki (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Isabell Wohlgenannt (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Charlotte Wehking (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Michael Weigerding (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools.
The course will cover the following topics:
Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
Research design and the use of theoryResearch questions and hypotheses
Quantitative methods
Qualitative methods
Mixed method procedures
Transdisciplinary research- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Thies
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Modul/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information and process management research.
Subjects dealt with in the module comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioural science
- Rigour vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Seidel, Grisold, Simons
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services can be very different, depending on the specific research area of Banking, Finance and Taxation. This module description is developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be choosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Übung) Chandra Kruse
- Knowledge Management:
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the students' education: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work to an international audience, the summer school is supposed to deepen the students' methodological skills. In addition, working together with professors and PhD students from abroad also contributes to developing the students' social and communicative skills in an international and intercultural environment.
Module WS 2019/2020
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Design and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
Role of the module in the doctoral study plan
The module is required as a cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs “Architecture and Planning” and “Business Economics”.
Subject definition
This module supports formal research training at the doctoral level by focusing on fundamental aspects of research design, particularly through the lens of the special disciplines, styles of inquiry and cultures of learning at the University of Liechtenstein. It also helps to develop research management skills.
Research design describes 'the structure of any scientific work. It gives direction and systematizes the research. Different types of research designs have different advantages and disadvantages.' In technical terms a typical research design is a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analysing data collected.Research management skills, or so called transferable skills, comprise the ability to manage projects, be self-motivated and autonomous, network internationally, to think analytically and to be creative, inquisitive and original. In combining both research design and management skills, the University of Liechtenstein aligns itself with aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). It calls for an innovative doctoral education that brings together cohorts of candidates and includes elements of professional development training. This combination nurtures a range of skills that help PhD candidates to be more effective in their research projects but also to nurture abilities that will be useful in their future lives and careers.
To provide a tailored program, the PhD students attend one topic of ‘Specialisation according to PhD study’ (4 taught lecture units). In addition to this, the PhD students select five topics from the pool of “General academic and technical skills” and participate in all of the topics from the pool “Personal and professional management skills”. The features of the series “Personal and professional management skills” are open lectures, and every interested staff member is invited to join and listen.
Specific academic and technical skills- Introduction to Research Design (mandatory: two taught units)
Mandatory: One topic from this group (four taught units per topic), according to the student’s focus area- Research Design for Business Process Management
- Research Design for Finance
- Research Design for Entrepreneurship
- Research Design for Sustainable Building
- Research Design for Sustainable Urban Design and Planning
- Research Design for Architectural Theory
General academic and technical skills
Electives: Students have to select 5 topics from this group (two taught units per topic)- Use and types of Observations and Surveys
- Intervention and Evaluation Research Design
- Experimental Research Design
- Correlational Research Design
- Panel Data: Fixed and Random Effects
- Big Data Skills
- Literature Reviews
- Concepts of Time-Series Econometrics
- Inquiry by design
- Round table Experience of tutors I
- Round table Experience of tutors II
- Round table Experience of PhD students I
- Round table Experience of PhD students II
Personal and professional management skills
Mandatory (one taught unit per topic)- Ethics
- Publication process
- International doctoral exchange / PhD network
- Project management
- Intrapersonal & Self-leadership Skills
- Interpersonal & Leadership Skills
- Written & Oral Communication
- Grant application process
- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Angerer, Schneider, Kirn, Lippe-Dada, Simons, Staub, Stöckl, vom Brocke, Michels, Maran, Brandl, Thies, Kaps, Seidel, Zimmermann, Chandra Kruse, Brecht, Schenk, Meister
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation.
This module could focus on Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Vorlesung / Übung) Banzer, Chandra Kruse
- Knowledge Management:
- Theory of the Firm (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module aims at fostering professional competences. In particular, an overview on theories of the firm is given in order to provide students with a profound background for better understanding the various current topics of their discipline. The set of theories dealt with in the course will continuously be reviewed and adapted. So far, the following theories of the firm are considered to be particularly relevant for all three doctoral programs currently being offered by the graduate school:
- Introduction to the Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- The Nature of the Firm and the Problem of Social Cost (Ass.Prof. Dr. Tanja Kirn)
- Agency Theory (Prof. Dr. Marco Menicetti)
- Transactioncost Theory (Dr. Martin Angerer)
- Information Processing Theory (Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke)
- Resource-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- Theory of the Firm (Seminar) Thies, vom Brocke, Kirn, Angerer, Menichetti
Module SS 2019
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Anna-Lydia Capaul (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Matthias Tietz (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Wiebke Szymczak (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Laura Baumgärtner (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Rodrigo Alba Krasovsky (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools.
The course will cover the following topics:
Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
Research design and the use of theoryResearch questions and hypotheses
Quantitative methods
Qualitative methods
Mixed method procedures
Transdisciplinary research- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Thies
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Modul/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information and process management research.
Subjects dealt with in the module comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioural science
- Rigour vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Seidel, Weinmann, Simons
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services can be very different, depending on the specific research area of Banking, Finance and Taxation. This module description is developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be choosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Übung) Banzer, Chandra Kruse
- Knowledge Management:
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the students' education: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work to an international audience, the summer school is supposed to deepen the students' methodological skills. In addition, working together with professors and PhD students from abroad also contributes to developing the students' social and communicative skills in an international and intercultural environment.
Module WS 2018/2019
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Vera Kaps (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Design and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
Role of the module in the doctoral study plan
The module is required as a cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs “Architecture and Planning” and “Business Economics”.
Subject definition
This module supports formal research training at the doctoral level by focusing on fundamental aspects of research design, particularly through the lens of the special disciplines, styles of inquiry and cultures of learning at the University of Liechtenstein. It also helps to develop research management skills.
Research design describes 'the structure of any scientific work. It gives direction and systematizes the research. Different types of research designs have different advantages and disadvantages.' In technical terms a typical research design is a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analysing data collected.Research management skills, or so called transferable skills, comprise the ability to manage projects, be self-motivated and autonomous, network internationally, to think analytically and to be creative, inquisitive and original. In combining both research design and management skills, the University of Liechtenstein aligns itself with aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). It calls for an innovative doctoral education that brings together cohorts of candidates and includes elements of professional development training. This combination nurtures a range of skills that help PhD candidates to be more effective in their research projects but also to nurture abilities that will be useful in their future lives and careers.
To provide a tailored program, the PhD students attend one topic of ‘Specialisation according to PhD study’ (4 taught lecture units). In addition to this, the PhD students select five topics from the pool of “General academic and technical skills” and participate in all of the topics from the pool “Personal and professional management skills”. The features of the series “Personal and professional management skills” are open lectures, and every interested staff member is invited to join and listen.
Specific academic and technical skills- Introduction to Research Design (mandatory: two taught units)
Mandatory: One topic from this group (four taught units per topic), according to the student’s focus area- Research Design for Business Process Management
- Research Design for Finance
- Research Design for Entrepreneurship
- Research Design for Sustainable Building
- Research Design for Sustainable Urban Design and Planning
- Research Design for Architectural Theory
General academic and technical skills
Electives: Students have to select 5 topics from this group (two taught units per topic)- Use and types of Observations and Surveys
- Intervention and Evaluation Research Design
- Experimental Research Design
- Correlational Research Design
- Panel Data: Fixed and Random Effects
- Big Data Skills
- Literature Reviews
- Concepts of Time-Series Econometrics
- Inquiry by design
- Round table Experience of tutors I
- Round table Experience of tutors II
- Round table Experience of PhD students I
- Round table Experience of PhD students II
Personal and professional management skills
Mandatory (one taught unit per topic)- Ethics
- Publication process
- International doctoral exchange / PhD network
- Project management
- Intrapersonal & Self-leadership Skills
- Interpersonal & Leadership Skills
- Written & Oral Communication
- Grant application process
- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Angerer, Schneider, Kirn, Lippe-Dada, Simons, Staub, Stöckl, vom Brocke, Rist-Stadelmann, Schwarz, Furtner, Brandl, Thies, Litscher, Stockhammer, Zimmermann
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation.
This module could focus on Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Vorlesung / Übung) Banzer, Chandra Kruse
- Knowledge Management:
- Theory of the Firm (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module aims at fostering professional competences. In particular, an overview on theories of the firm is given in order to provide students with a profound background for better understanding the various current topics of their discipline. The set of theories dealt with in the course will continuously be reviewed and adapted. So far, the following theories of the firm are considered to be particularly relevant for all three doctoral programs currently being offered by the graduate school:Introduction to the Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)The Nature of the Firm and the Problem of Social Cost (Ass.Prof. Dr. Tanja Kirn)Agency Theory (Prof. Dr. Marco Menicetti)Transactioncost Theory (Dr. Martin Angerer)Information Processing Theory (Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke)Resource-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
- Theory of the Firm (Seminar) Thies, vom Brocke, Kirn, Angerer, Menichetti
Module SS 2018
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Adrian Klammer (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Celina Martinez-Cañavate (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Jurij-Andrei Reichenecker (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Leona Chandra Kruse (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Maria Fay (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Philipp Stieg (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Zorica Zagorac-Uremovic (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools. The course will cover the following topics:Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management researchResearch design and the use of theoryResearch questions and hypothesesQuantitative methodsQualitative methodsMixed method proceduresTransdisciplinary researchResearch projects with industrial partners
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Thies
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Modul/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information and process management research.
Subjects dealt with in the module comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioural science
- Rigour vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Seidel, Weinmann, Simons
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services can be very different, depending on the specific research area of Banking, Finance and Taxation. This module description is developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be choosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Übung) Banzer, Chandra Kruse
- Knowledge Management:
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the students' education: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work to an international audience, the summer school is supposed to deepen the students' methodological skills. In addition, working together with professors and PhD students from abroad also contributes to developing the students' social and communicative skills in an international and intercultural environment.
Module WS 2017/2018
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Clarissa Rhomberg (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Design and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Details with Schedule
Role of the module in the doctoral study plan
The module is required as a cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs “Architecture and Planning” and “Business Economics”.
Subject definition
This module supports formal research training at the doctoral level by focusing on fundamental aspects of research design, particularly through the lens of the special disciplines, styles of inquiry and cultures of learning at the University of Liechtenstein. It also helps to develop research management skills.
Research design describes 'the structure of any scientific work. It gives direction and systematizes the research. Different types of research designs have different advantages and disadvantages.'1 In technical terms a typical research design is a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analysing data collected.
Research management skills, or so called transferable skills, comprise the ability to manage projects, be self-motivated and autonomous, network internationally, to think analytically and to be creative, inquisitive and original. In combining both research design and management skills, the University of Liechtenstein aligns itself with aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). It calls for an innovative doctoral education that brings together cohorts of candidates and includes elements of professional development training. This combination nurtures a range of skills that help PhD candidates to be more effective in their research projects but also to nurture abilities that will be useful in their future lives and careers.
To provide a tailored program, the PhD students attend one topic of ‘Specialisation according to PhD study’ (4 taught lecture units). In addition to this, the PhD students select five topics from the pool of “General academic and technical skills” and participate in all of the topics from the pool “Personal and professional management skills”. The features of the series “Personal and professional management skills” are open lectures, and every interested staff member is invited to join and listen.
Specific academic and technical skills- Introduction to Research Design (mandatory: two taught units)
Mandatory: One topic from this group (four taught units per topic), according to the student’s focus area- Research Design for Business Process Management
- Research Design for Finance
- Research Design for Entrepreneurship
- Research Design for Sustainable Building
- Research Design for Sustainable Urban Design and Planning
- Research Design for Architectural Theory
General academic and technical skills
Electives: Students have to select 5 topics from this group (two taught units per topic)- Use and types of Observations and Surveys
- Intervention and Evaluation Research Design
- Experimental Research Design
- Correlational Research Design
- Panel Data: Fixed and Random Effects
- Big Data Skills
- Literature Reviews
- Concepts of Time-Series Econometrics
- Inquiry by design
- Round table Experience of tutors I
- Round table Experience of tutors II
- Round table Experience of PhD students I
- Round table Experience of PhD students II
Personal and professional management skills
Mandatory (one taught unit per topic)- Ethics
- Publication process
- International doctoral exchange / PhD network
- Project management
- Intrapersonal & Self-leadership Skills
- Interpersonal & Leadership Skills
- Written & Oral Communication
- Grant application process
- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Ackermann, Angerer, Schneider, Kirn, Kraus, Lippe-Dada, Simons, Staub, Stöckl, vom Brocke, Rist-Stadelmann, Schwarz, Furtner, Brandl, Thies, Litscher
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation.
This module could focus on Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on three pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Vorlesung / Übung) Banzer, Schmiedel
- Knowledge Management:
- Theory of the Firm (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module aims at fostering professional competences. In particular, an overview on theories of the firm is given in order to provide students with a profound background for better understanding the various current topics of their discipline. The set of theories dealt with in the course will continuously be reviewed and adapted. So far, the following theories of the firm are considered to be particularly relevant for all three doctoral programs currently being offered by the graduate school:
The Nature of the Firm and the Problem of Social Cost (Ass.Prof. Dr. Tanja Kirn)
Agency Theory (Prof. Dr. Marco Menicetti)
Transactioncost Theory (Dr. Martin Angerer)
Information Processing Theory (Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke)
Resource-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm (Dr. Ferdinand Thies)
Behavioral Theory of the Firm (tbd)- Theory of the Firm (Seminar) Thies, vom Brocke, Kirn, Angerer, Menichetti
Module SS 2017
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Sanja Tumbas (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Felix Schüssler (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Steffen Schröder (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Ariane Ruff (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools. The course will cover the following topics:
- Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
- Research design and the use of theory
- Research questions and hypotheses
- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative methods
- Mixed method procedures
- Transdisciplinary research
- Research projects with industrial partners
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Güldenberg, Marxt, Kraus
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Modul/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information and process management research.
Subjects dealt with in the model comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioural science
- Rigour vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Seidel, Schmiedel, Simons
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services can be very different, depending on the specific research area of Banking, Finance and Taxation. This module description is developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be choosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on four pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Scientific Writing (Übung) Banzer, Tumbas
- Knowledge Management:
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate information systems students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in information systems research design and/or methodology.
Module WS 2016/2017
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Sarah Zelt (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Design and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Details with Schedule
Role of the module in the doctoral study plan
The module is required as a cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs “Architecture and Planning” and “Business Economics”.
Subject definition
This module supports formal research training at the doctoral level by focusing on fundamental aspects of research design, particularly through the lens of the special disciplines, styles of inquiry and cultures of learning at the University of Liechtenstein. It also helps to develop research management skills.
Research design describes 'the structure of any scientific work. It gives direction and systematizes the research. Different types of research designs have different advantages and disadvantages.'1 In technical terms a typical research design is a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analysing data collected.
Research management skills, or so called transferable skills, comprise the ability to manage projects, be self-motivated and autonomous, network internationally, to think analytically and to be creative, inquisitive and original. In combining both research design and management skills, the University of Liechtenstein aligns itself with aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). It calls for an innovative doctoral education that brings together cohorts of candidates and includes elements of professional development training. This combination nurtures a range of skills that help PhD candidates to be more effective in their research projects but also to nurture abilities that will be useful in their future lives and careers.
To provide a tailored program, the PhD students attend one topic of ‘Specialisation according to PhD study’ (4 taught lecture units). In addition to this, the PhD students select five topics from the pool of “General academic and technical skills” and participate in all of the topics from the pool “Personal and professional management skills”. The features of the series “Personal and professional management skills” are open lectures, and every interested staff member is invited to join and listen.
Specific academic and technical skills- Introduction to Research Design (mandatory: two taught units)
Mandatory: One topic from this group (four taught units per topic), according to the student’s focus area- Research Design for Business Process Management
- Research Design for Finance
- Research Design for Entrepreneurship
- Research Design for Sustainable Building
- Research Design for Sustainable Urban Design and Planning
- Research Design for Architectural Theory
General academic and technical skills
Electives: Students have to select 5 topics from this group (two taught units per topic)- Experimental Research Design
- Concepts of Time-Series Econometrics
- Panel Data: Fixed and Random Effects
- Case Study Research and Action Research
- Mixed Methods Approaches
- Use and Types of Observations and Surveys
- Literature Review
- Big Data Skills
- Community Research / Social Science for Built Environment
- Energy and the Built Environment
- Inquiry by Design
Personal and professional management skills
Mandatory (one taught unit per topic)- Personal Knowledge Management for PhD Students
- Self-/Time-/Stress-Management
- Leadership in Research
- Project Management
- Ethics
- Publication Process
- Grant Application Process
- International Doctoral Exchange / PhD Network
- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Ackermann, Angerer, Schneider, Güldenberg, Gunz, Kirn, Kraus, Lippe-Dada, Marxt, Simons, Staub, Stöckl, vom Brocke, Rist-Stadelmann, Schwarz, Meister, von Grabe, Furtner
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation.
This module could focus on Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on four pillars:- Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
- Knowledge Management:
- Theory of the Firm (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module aims at fostering professional competences. In particular, an overview on theories of the firm is given in order to provide students with a profound background for better understanding the various current topics of their discipline.
The set of theories dealt with in the course will continuously be reviewed and adapted. So far, the following theories of the firm are considered to be particularly relevant for all three doctoral programs currently being offered by the graduate school:- Introduction to the Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg)
- The Nature of the Firm and the Problem of Social Cost (Ass.Prof. Dr. Tanja Kirn)
- Agency Theory (Prof. Dr. Marco Menicetti)
- Property Rights and Contractual Theory (Dr. Martin Angerer)
- Information Processing Theory (Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke)
- Resource-based Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Christian Marxt)
- Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg)
- Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg)
- Theory of the Firm (Seminar) Güldenberg, vom Brocke, Marxt, Kirn, Angerer, Menichetti
Module SS 2016
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Nadine Székely (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Helge Mensching (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium or International Conference Participation (Modul)
- The primary objective of the doctoral consortium or the International Conference Participation is to present and defend the PhD students' research in a competitive and international scientific environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee this module also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in this module arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded doctoral consortium or a conference in International Financial Services receive critical comments and feedback on their research project by experienced faculty members and student participants. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Besides a more in-depth knowledge in epistemology doctoral students in entrepreneurship and management research require an applicable base of research methods and tools. The course will cover the following topics:
- Epistemology in entrepreneurship and management research
- Research design and the use of theory
- Research questions and hypotheses
- Quantitative methods
- Qualitative methods
- Mixed method procedures
- Transdisciplinary research
- Research projects with industrial partners
- Research Methods in Entrepreneurship and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Güldenberg, Marxt, Kraus
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Modul/Prüfung)
- The module "Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science" aims at deepening the students' skills in research design. It focuses on pivotal issues of conducting and structuring research activities as part of information and process management research.
Subjects dealt with in the model comprise (but are not limited to):- Introduction into design science
- Design science vs. behavioural science
- Rigour vs. relevance
- Design science in information systems research
- The design science research process
- Reviewing the literature
- Design science examples
- Design science challenges
- Theorizing in design science
- Publishing design science
- Research Methods in Information and Process Management Science (Vorlesung / Übung) vom Brocke, Seidel, Simons
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Modul)
- Research Methods in International Financial Services can be very different, depending on the specific research area of Banking, Finance and Taxation. This module description is developed for a student with a need for advanced methods in econometrics. For students with different needs appropriate courses will be choosen and credited.
- Principles of Estimation and Testing
- Limited Dependent Variable Methods
- Longitudinal Data Models
- Stationary Time Series Models
- Stochastic Trends and Co-Integration
- Research Methods in International Financial Services (Vorlesung / Übung)
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on four pillars:- Text Coaching:
How to write academically: spelling, grammar, academic vocabulary, numbers, abbreviations, tables, figures, etc. - Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
During the course, students will maintain a blog which they will be feeding with weekly entries about their research activities and they will comment on two other PhD Students' blogs. This way, they will structure their thoughts and ideas and it will stimulate transparency and exchange about what they individually and what peer-students are working on. This will help learning how to give and receive feed-back, and it will be monitored by supervisors helping in giving individualised feed-back.
At the end of the course students will hand in a portfolio containing all the texts they have written and the blog entries and comments they will have made.
During the course, plenary speakers will be invited from various fields organising a workshop with students on particular issues of academic writing in genre-specific areas.- Scientific Writing (Übung) Banzer, Schmiedel
- Text Coaching:
- Summer School in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate entrepreneurship and management students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in research design and/or methodology.
- Summer School on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- Just as the doctoral consortium, the summer school serves multiple purposes in the educational programme of the students: Whereas the doctoral consortium aims at presenting the own work in an international frame, the summer school intends to deepen methodological skills in a specific field of choice relevant to the PhD theses of the students. In addition, working together with professors and PhD-students from abroad also contributes to social and communicative skills of the students in an international and intercultural environment.
Doctorate information systems students participating in an international Ph.D. summer school study contemporary issues in information systems research design and/or methodology.
Module WS 2015/2016
- Disputation (Modul/Prüfung)
- Disputation Nadine Poser (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Gregor Diehr (Sonstiges)
- Disputation Stefan Debortoli (Sonstiges)
- Doctoral Consortium in Entrepreneurship and Management (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the supervisors, consortium chairs and student participants.
- Doctoral Consortium on Information and Process Management Science (Modul)
- This module serves manifold competences: As a doctoral consortium it aims at deepening both, methodological and professional research skills of the students. In addition, it is designed to foster the international profile of their work.
By means of submitting their work to an internationally reknown doctoral consortium the students learn how to position themselves in a highly competitive environment.
Since successful applications are invited to be discussed by a selective academic committee the doctoral consortium also serves to further develop the communicative and social competences of the students.
Students' participating in a doctoral consortium arranged in the context of an internationally well-regarded information systems conference, therein share both the main contents of and progress in their own researches. Moreover, they benefit from listening to the other students' experiences and results and receive valuable feedback of the consortium chairs and student participants.
- Preliminary Study (Modul)
- The research proposal must include a description of the dissertation as a research agenda and of the methodical approach. In the colloquium on the research proposal, doctoral students shall present their dissertation project and provide reasons for their chosen approach.
Details are listed in the Implementing Provisions concerning the Doctorate Regulations- Colloquium (Kolloquium)
- Research Design and Management (Modul/Prüfung)
- Details with Schedule
Role of the module in the doctoral study plan
The module is required as a cross-faculty course in the preparation phase of the doctoral programs “Architecture and Planning” and “Business Economics”.
Subject definition
This module supports formal research training at the doctoral level by focusing on fundamental aspects of research design, particularly through the lens of the special disciplines, styles of inquiry and cultures of learning at the University of Liechtenstein. It also helps to develop research management skills.
Research design describes 'the structure of any scientific work. It gives direction and systematizes the research. Different types of research designs have different advantages and disadvantages.'1 In technical terms a typical research design is a detailed outline of how an investigation will take place. A research design will typically include how data is to be collected, what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will be used and the intended means for analysing data collected.
Research management skills, or so called transferable skills, comprise the ability to manage projects, be self-motivated and autonomous, network internationally, to think analytically and to be creative, inquisitive and original. In combining both research design and management skills, the University of Liechtenstein aligns itself with aspirations of the League of European Research Universities (LERU). It calls for an innovative doctoral education that brings together cohorts of candidates and includes elements of professional development training. This combination nurtures a range of skills that help PhD candidates to be more effective in their research projects but also to nurture abilities that will be useful in their future lives and careers.
To provide a tailored program, the PhD students attend one topic of ‘Specialisation according to PhD study’ (4 taught lecture units). In addition to this, the PhD students select five topics from the pool of “General academic and technical skills” and participate in all of the topics from the pool “Personal and professional management skills”. The features of the series “Personal and professional management skills” are open lectures, and every interested staff member is invited to join and listen.
Specific academic and technical skills- Introduction to Research Design (mandatory: two taught units)
Mandatory: One topic from this group (four taught units per topic), according to the student’s focus area- Research Design for Business Process Management
- Research Design for Finance
- Research Design for Entrepreneurship
- Research Design for Sustainable Building
- Research Design for Sustainable Urban Design and Planning
- Research Design for Architectural Theory
General academic and technical skills
Electives: Students have to select 5 topics from this group (two taught units per topic)- Experimental Research Design
- Concepts of Time-Series Econometrics
- Panel Data: Fixed and Random Effects
- Case Study Research and Action Research
- Mixed Methods Approaches
- Use and Types of Observations and Surveys
- Literature Review
- Big Data Skills
- Community Research / Social Science for Built Environment
- Energy and the Built Environment
- Inquiry by Design
Personal and professional management skills
Mandatory (one taught unit per topic)- Personal Knowledge Management for PhD Students
- Self-/Time-/Stress-Management
- Leadership in Research
- Project Management
- Ethics
- Publication Process
- Grant Application Process
- International Doctoral Exchange / PhD Network
- Research Design and Management (Vorlesung / Übung) Kirn, Droege, vom Brocke, Gunz, Angerer, Kraus, Ritter, Radzi, Staub, Stöckl, Güldenberg, Marxt, Simons, Müller, von Grabe, Ackermann, Lippe-Dada
- Research Seminar in International Financial Services (Modul)
- This module helps the student to further broaden and intensify his knowledge and methodological skills needed for his dissertation.
This module could focus on Banking, Finance or Taxation.
- Scientific Writing (Modul/Prüfung)
- This course is designed to give first year PhD Students an aid for their academic endeavour. Just like in Research Design, the focus lies on methodological competences. At the same time, however, this course also aims at techniques rather than design strategies. The objective is to provide core compentences on how to craft a scientific text properly. Due to the concept of peer-monitoring applied in this course also social competencies will be trained.
During the first year students will be working on their academic writing style, they will be made familiar with normative writing styles and ways to publish tackling various kinds of genres, and they will help and learn from each other through peer-monitoring activities. As a base sample texts will be used and the texts students will be producing will be worked on. The course is built on four pillars:- Text Coaching:
How to write academically: spelling, grammar, academic vocabulary, numbers, abbreviations, tables, figures, etc. - Knowledge Management:
Working with databases, literature management softwares, etc. - Publishing:
How to write and publish various genres: abstracts, research papers, articles, data commentaries, reviews, project proposals, formatting, etc. - Peer-Mentoring:
Giving and receiving feed-back, presenting and reviewing, considering peer-feedback, joint writing activities, etc.
During the course, students will maintain a blog which they will be feeding with weekly entries about their research activities and they will comment on two other PhD Students' blogs. This way, they will structure their thoughts and ideas and it will stimulate transparency and exchange about what they individually and what peer-students are working on. This will help learning how to give and receive feed-back, and it will be monitored by supervisors helping in giving individualised feed-back.
At the end of the course students will hand in a portfolio containing all the texts they have written and the blog entries and comments they will have made.
During the course, plenary speakers will be invited from various fields organising a workshop with students on particular issues of academic writing in genre-specific areas.- Scientific Writing (Vorlesung / Übung) Banzer, Schmiedel
- Text Coaching:
- Theory of the Firm (Modul/Prüfung)
- This module aims at fostering professional competences. In particular, an overview on theories of the firm is given in order to provide students with a profound background for better understanding the various current topics of their discipline.
The set of theories dealt with in the course will continuously be reviewed and adapted. So far, the following theories of the firm are considered to be particularly relevant for all three doctoral programs currently being offered by the graduate school:- Introduction to the Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg)
- The Nature of the Firm and the Problem of Social Cost (Ass.Prof. Dr. Tanja Kirn)
- Agency Theory (Prof. Dr. Marco Menicetti)
- Property Rights and Contractual Theory (Prof. Dr. Michael Hanke)
- Information Processing Theory (Prof. Dr. Jan vom Brocke)
- Resource-based Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Christian Marxt)
- Behavioral Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg)
- Knowledge-based Theory of the Firm (Prof. Dr. Stefan Güldenberg)
- Theory of the Firm (Seminar) Güldenberg, vom Brocke, Marxt, Kirn, Angerer