Studying in Liechtenstein is worth it!
Studying offers a lot of possibilities but also causes costs.
Liechtenstein is one of the costliest countries in Europe. But there are a variety of options (grants, scholarships, jobs etc.) to fund your studies.
On this page we will give you an overview of options to fund your studies at the University of Liechtenstein.
Cost of living in Liechtenstein
In order to give you an orientation about the monthly costs of living, we have set up a table with approximate values. Please consider that cost of living is very individual and therefore may vary.
Rent including utilities - CHF 680.-
Telephone/Mobile - CHF 20.-
Food - CHF 150.-
Health insurance/insurance - CHF 100.-
Clothing, laundry, hygiene - CHF 100.-
Leisure, spending money - CHF 150.-
Total cost of living for students at the University of Liechtenstein can be expected to total of approximately CHF 1.200.- per month.
Tuition fees are CHF 950.- per semester for EU/EEA and Swiss citizens or CHF 1‘250,- for other citizens. Erasmus students pay tuition at their home university.
Financial support by parents
Often parents do not only offer moral support but also financial means for your studies. The standards for child support are different in each country - it`s therefore best to discuss with your parents in what way and to what extend they are able to support you.
If a financial support by your parents or family is not possible or not sufficient, we have some other options for you!
Scholarships are usually performance-related. Apart from academic performances, some scholarship donors may also require e.g. political or social engagement as well as other achievements. Scholarships are not to be paid back usually.
Swiss scholarships database (German language only)
Austrian scholarships database
Swiss scholarships database (German language only)
All students who are residents of the Principality of Liechtenstein also have the option to apply for a scholarship of the Swiss Study Foundation.
Scholarships at the University of Liechtenstein
Scholarship for students of the MSc in Architecture
Students of the MSc in Architecture have the possibility to apply for an API Application form (PDF). Target group for this scholarship are students from developing countries who show excellent academic results and need financial support.
Hilti Fellowship for students of the MSc in Information Systems
This Hilti-sponsored fellowship offers committed and determined master students the opportunity to be part of an international project team for a semester, and to include the experiences in one or more courses for a master’s degree in Information Systems (5 - 30 ECTS) at the University of Liechtenstein. Together with the Hilti Chair of Business Process Management, you will become familiar with state-of-the-art technology (e.g. in-memory computing, cloud computing, and mobile app development) and discuss new ideas for future Hilti projects, such as Enterprise Content Management and Customer Relationship Management.
LGT Scholarship for MSc in Finance
Students who are interested in receiving an LGT University Scholarship can apply for the scholarship upon admission to the Master of Science in Finance program at the University of Liechtenstein. The following documents are required for the application: scholarship application cover letter and letter of recommendation, CV, photo, bachelor’s degree, language and other training certificates.
Own funds
Many students work part-time and thereby partially fund their studies on their own. The career:service of the University of Liechtenstein offers a variety of job offers for part-time working and internships. When taking up employment, legal regulations need to be taken into account and holders of scholarships need to check their allowed additional earnings.
Study loans
Another option to fund your studies are study loans. Many banks as well as countries offer suitable formats.
The Principality of Liechtenstein offers an interest-free loan to students who have been living in Liechtenstein for at least three years. Further information
The online company Splendit connects people with a need for financial support and such which are able to offer it. Students have the possibility to choose the amount, interest rate and the period of amortisation themselves. Further information.