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20th Jurisdiction Symposium - Recent Case Law on Public Procurement

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Lic. iur. et lic.oec. Azra Dizdarevic-Hasic
Lic. iur. Daniel Robert Tschikof
Lic. iur. et lic.oec Andreas Batliner


27.09.2012 18:00 - 20:00


The Law concerning Public Procurement (Law on Procedures for the Award of Public Services Contracts, Public Supply Contract and Public Works Contracts) came into force on 1 January 1999. In practice, its application raises a variety of problems of a procedural nature. However, there are also problems of a substantive nature, for example the question regarding how the quality of tenders should and must be assessed. Catchwords, such as transparency and equal treatment, must be filled with substance. In recent years, the Verwaltungsgerichtshof (Administrative Court) has, in numerous cases, had the opportunity to (partially) clarify the legal issues surrounding public procurement, which are not necessarily clear cut.

Target Audience

Lawyers, trustees, financial auditors, employees working in the legal departments of administrative bodies and in the financial centre, and any other people interested in current case law.

Information Contact

Paulina Bracher, MSc
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Francesco A. Schurr


CHF 210,- per person incl. materials, a certificate of participation and an aperit


Sep 30, 2012


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