Liechtenstein Trusts following the Repeal of Art 905 PGR

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Schurr, F. (2014). Liechtenstein Trusts following the Repeal of Art 905 PGR. In F. Schurr (Ed.), Trusts in the Principality of Liechtenstein and Similar Jurisdictions (Vol. 4, pp. 215-224). Zürich/St. Gallen: Dike.

Publication type

Chapter in Edited Book


Liechtenstein Trust Law in a European and International Context
internes Projekt, since December 2009

Originating in common law, trusts are foreign to continental European jurisdictions. In practice, Liechtenstein's position is counter-cyclical to the international trend: the trust is gaining in ... more ...


Organizational Units

  • Chair of Company, Foundation and Trust Law
  • Institute for Business Law