Exchange Rate Changes and Internationally Diversified Portfolios - Perspective of a European Investor

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Vaschauner, M., Menichetti, M., Dreher, C., & Fausch, J. (2009). Exchange Rate Changes and Internationally Diversified Portfolios - Perspective of a European Investor. Presented at the International Scientific Conference Paper: Finance and Accounting - Theory and Practice, Development and Trends, Riga.

Publication type

Presentation at Scholarly Conference


On the predictability of equity markets
PhD-Thesis, September 2009 until December 2013 (finished)

This dissertation aims to examine three core subjects within this framework: a) Reliability of qualitative predictions of professionals, b) a modified asset pricing model for prediction purposes, c) ... more ...


Organizational Units

  • Institute for Financial Services
  • Chair in Business Administration, Banking and Financial Management
  • Banking and Finance