Project MIGAPE: Work Package 2: Results of the Standard Simulations for Liechtenstein, Deliverable D2.1/D2.2 of the MIGAPE project. Version 01/04/2020.

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Kirn, T., & Thierbach, K. (2020). Project MIGAPE: Work Package 2: Results of the Standard Simulations for Liechtenstein, Deliverable D2.1/D2.2 of the MIGAPE project. Version 01/04/2020. ( No. 1): University of Liechtenstein.




The aim of the project is to analyze gender-specific differences in pension income. Since pension income is determined by a variety of personal circumstances (gender, educational attainment level, spells of unemployment) and personal choices (labour market participation), the influence of these factors on pension income is analyzed. As labor supply at the extensive and intensive margins is influenced by care obligations, the focus of the analysis is laid on the impact of bringing up children and caring for relatives on pension income. In order to systematically analyze the various factors influencing pension income, different combinations of personal circumstances and decisions (so-called scenarios) are compared. To present the scenarios in a clear and interpretable manner, we focus on the impact of certain choices (e.g. labor market participation), given circumstances (gender, education level, and spells of unemployment). In doing so, the results illustrate the impact of the choices that are modelled on the later pension, while the variant sets show to what extent these findings are sensitive to the circumstances. In addition to the sensitivity analysis, the influence of the legal framework on pension income can be shown by comparing the scenarios. First, the mitigating impact of care credits is illustrated by the comparison of the scenario without and with care benefits. Second, illustrate the unemployment and age of retirement variants how the impact of the various options changes when the career is less than full. Third, the comparison of the pension income across gender shows, how results change when the wages of the model persons are different.


EU H2020-Förderprojekt, Oktober 2018 bis September 2020 (abgeschlossen)

Das durchschnittliche Pensionseinkommen der Frauen ist niedrigerer als das der Männer. Dies wird als "Gender Pension Gap" bezeichnet. MIGAPE (2019-2021) ist ein internationales Forschungsprojekt mit ... mehr



  • Center for Economics

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