Silbernagl, R. (2019). Das Schlichtungsverfahren nach der PSD II unter Einbeziehung der aussergerichtlichen Streitbeilegungsmechanismen samt zivilprozessualen Aspekten im neuen Zahlungsdienstegesetz Liechtenstein. Spektrum des Wirtschaftsrechts, 205 - 219.
Publication type
Article in Scientific Journal
- New payment services in the European Union -opportunities and risks
- FFF-Förderprojekt, July 2018 until December 2019 (finished)
The Payment services Directive (PSD II) aims to regulate the variety of developments in the field of innovative payment products, in particular in the area of mobile and online payments. In addition, ... more ...
Organizational Units
- Chair for Banking and Financial Market Law
- Institute for Business Law