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Young Talents at the University of Liechtenstein

Young Talents is a program for the promotion of young researchers. Young researchers at the University of Liechtenstein at doctoral level (following a preliminary study) can submit small research proposals to the University of Liechtenstein Research Fund.

Excellent candidates are supported by this grant in the implementation of their own research projects and in the development of an independent research profile. The candidates selected this year for the FFF Young Talents Grant are Theo Ravet-Brown and Marius Gramlich. Here are their research projects:

Leadership group dynamics in virtual reality: The role of follower interactions on charismatic leadership effectiveness in 2D and 3D virtual meetings

Charismatic leadership, a powerful form of leadership, is evolving with technology. Traditionally studied in face-to-face settings, recent research reveals that the impact of different communication media on charismatic leadership is profound. Findings suggest that the way charismatic leadership is perceived can significantly change with the medium used for interaction. This opens up questions on how these changes affect a leader’s ability to influence and motivate followers. Current studies involve using controlled environments to simulate real-life interactions, such as one-on-one meetings with supervisors, but today's workplace often features complex, multi-party digital meetings. This shift has prompted new research focused on understanding how follower behavior and group dynamics influence perceptions of charismatic leadership in these settings. 

The Young Talent applicant, Theo Ravet-Brown, proposed a pioneering experiment, where a leader and followers engage in tasks requiring close cooperation, while their interactions – eye contact, gestures, facial expressions, and voice modulation – are meticulously analyzed. This study not only uses cutting-edge biometric tools but also integrates virtual reality (VR) to deepen our understanding of nonverbal cues in digital communications.

Scheduled for late 2024, this research aims to publish its findings in prestigious journals, potentially reshaping how leadership training is conducted, especially in digital contexts. The University of Liechtenstein LBS is at the forefront of this initiative, addressing the growing demand for advanced leadership skills that align with the realities of the digital age, including virtual collaboration and management. This project supports LBS's goal to become a high-profile center for leadership excellence, providing concrete, actionable guidance to today's and tomorrow's leaders.

What are the drivers of liquidity on crypto markets

Studying the factors that drive liquidity in crypto markets is of paramount importance in today's financial landscape. Liquidity, the ease with which an asset can be bought or sold at low costs without significantly impacting its price, plays a crucial role in the efficiency and stability of financial markets.

In the context of crypto assets, understanding liquidity dynamics is particularly relevant due to the unique characteristics of digital assets and their markets.

Marius Gramlich will focus on lead-lag relationships, connectedness, and spillover effects of high-frequent intraday liquidity on centralized crypto exchanges. This project aims to provide valuable insights into market dynamics, risk management for trading crypto assets and crypto market microstructure.

Scheduled for late 2024, this research aims to publish its findings in prestigious journals and is a perfect fit for the strategic research focus of the University of Liechtenstein and for Liechtenstein’s economy promoting innovation for digital assets.