uni.liStudiumStudiengängeBachelor BetriebswirtschaftslehreWissenswertesCurriculumVertiefung Information Management and Information Technology (IMIT)

Christian Sillaber

  • Brunner, M., Sillaber, C., Demetz, L., Manhart, M., & Breu, R. (2018). Towards Data-Driven Decision Support for Organizational IT Security Audits. it - Information Technology, 60(4), 207–217.

  • Ilvonen, I., Thalmann, S., Manhart, M., & Sillaber, C. (2018). Reconciling digital transformation and knowledge protection: a research agenda. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 16(2), 235-244. (ABDC_2022: A; ABS_2021: 1)

  • Breu, R., Sillaber, C., & Brunner, M. (2016). Security im Produkt-Lifecycle – Lästige Pflicht oder Chance? Informatik-Spektrum, 39, 353-361. (VHB_3: D)
