There often exists a certain discrepancy between a desired position and the current (application) situation.
Through an optimisation of the application documents the CV Check by Vitamin Delta helps minimise the difference between the target and actual situation, and hence increases the chance of getting the desired job. Vitamin Delta`s service is not about stylish templates and layouts. Yes, the formal presentation is important, however what matters even more is the content of your application. This is where you have to show that you are the right candidate — and we will help you with that!
University of Liechtenstein students will reveice a special discount. Services include the optimisation of application documents, written feedback and a personal consultation.
The code can be requested by email:
About Vitamin Delta
„Vitamin Delta“ was recently founded by Lars Schmitt, André Englert, Muhamed Aziz and Theresia von Woellwarth (Students/Alumna of Zeppelin Universität): „Unserer Auffassung nach ist gerade diese Zielgruppe oft total verunsichert, was die gesamte Bewerbungsthematik anbelangt: Das möchten wir mit unserem Start-up nun ändern!“ ("In our view, it is particularly this target group which often is highly insecure with regards to all matters of application. We want to change that with our start up!")