Projekte Advanced Studios

In den Advanced Studios steht der Projektentwurf im Zentrum der Auseinandersetzung und wird mit integrierenden Lehrinhalten im Schwerpunktthema des Projektstudios ergänzt und begleitet. So wird ein städtebauliches, architektonisches und konstruktives Denken geschult, das ein praxisnahes und interdisziplinäres Arbeiten als Ausgangspunkt einer tragfähigen und nachhaltigen Lösungsfindung ins Zentrum stellt.

Die Advanced Studios haben als weiterführende Projektstudios den Anspruch einer Vertiefung in den drei Schwerpunktthemen Handwerk, Landschaft und Upcycling.
Die Studierenden können zwischen den unterschiedlichen Entwurfsthemen der Advanced Studios wählen.

Die Advanced Studios werden jedes Semester auf Deutsch oder Englisch angeboten. Es besteht die Möglichkeit ein Austauschsemester während des vierten oder fünften Semesters zu wählen.

Projects Advanced Studios

The interdisciplinary Advanced Studio is the primary force of education with intensive one-to-one instruction in small groups. Architectural and urban design is practiced in the context of projects of varying complexity, ranging from constructive building details and structures, to planning entire settlements and habitats.

Advanced Studios focus on the three main themes: Craft, Landscape and Upcycling. The Advanced Studios give students the opportunity to engage with architecture as a socially responsible practice on a variety of scales applying a multitude of design- and research methods, preparing them for the demands of the broad field of architecture and planning.

Instruction methods build upon intrinsic motivation and promote self-study. The project-design is represented in drawings, models, images, and by using all other available media. Teamwork is conducted with particular attention to the internal organization and workings of the teams. The instructors specify scope, characteristics, and requirements of the projects. They are responsible for team formation, structuring and organization of the advanced studio as well as for inviting external experts.

Advanced Studio Handwerk (DE)

Project Studio Team SS 23: Prof. Urs MeisterCarmen Rist-Stadelmann 
SS 23_Advanced Studio Handwerk_DE_Meister_Rist

Project Studio Team WS 22/23: Urs MeisterCarmen Rist-Stadelmann 
WS 22_23_Advanced Studio Handwerk_DE_Meister_Rist

Project Studio Team SS 22: Urs MeisterCarmen Rist-Stadelmann 
SS 22_Advanced Studio Handwerk_DE_Meister_Rist

Project Studio Team WS 21/22: Urs Meister, Carmen Rist-Stadelmann 
WS 21/22_Advanced Studio Handwerk_DE_Meister_Rist

Advanced Studio Craft (EN)

Project Studio Team SS 22: Cornelia Faisst, Martin Mackowitz 
SS 22_Advanced Studio Craft_EN_Faisst_Mackowitz

Project Studio Team WS 21/22: Bianca Böckle, Hugo Dworzak
WS 21/22_Advanced Studio Craft_EN_Boeckle_Dworzak

Advanced Studio Landschaft (DE)

Project Studio Team WS 22/23: David Kloeg, Dietrich Schwarz 
WS 22_23_Advanced Studio Landschaft_EN_Kloeg_Schwarz

Project Studio Team SS 22: David Kloeg, Dietrich Schwarz 
SS 22_Advanced Studio Landschaft_DE_Kloeg_Schwarz

Project Studio Team WS 21/22: Csaba Tarsoly
WS 21/22_Advanced Studio Landschaft_DE_Tarsoly

Advanced Studio Landscape (EN)

Project Studio Team SS 23: David Kloeg, Prof. Dietrich Schwarz 
SS 23_Advanced Studio Landscape_EN_Kloeg_Schwarz 

Project Studio Team WS 22/23: Luis Hilti, Felix Lederberger
WS 22/23_Advanced Studio Landscape_EN_Hilti_Ledergerber

Project Studio Team SS 22: Anna Heringer, Lindsay Howe
SS 22_Advanced Studio Landscape_EN_Heringer_Howe

Project Studio Team WS 21/22: David Kloeg, Dietrich Schwarz
WS 21/22_Advanced Studio Landscape_EN_Schwarz 

Advanced Studio Upcycling (DE)

Project Studio Team SS 23: Luis Hilti, Saikal Zhunushova
SS 23_Advanced Studio Upcycling_DE_Hilti_Zhunushova

Project Studio Team WS 22/23: Alberto Alessi, Anna Lohs
WS 22_23_Advanced Studio Upcycling_DE_Alessi_Lohs

Project Studio Team SS 22: Alberto Alessi, Livia Herle 
SS 22_Advanced Studio Upcycling_DE_Alessi

Project Studio Team WS 21/22:Cornelia Faisst
WS 21/22_Advanced Studio Upcycling_DE_Faisst 

Advanced Studio Upcycling (EN)

Project Studio Team 1_SS 23: Alberto Alessi, Anna Lohs 
SS 23_Advanced Studio Upcycling_EN_Alessi_Lohs 

Project Studio Team 2_SS 23: Csaba Tarsoly, Prof. Daniel Stockhammer 
SS 23_Advanced Studio Upcycling_EN_Stockhammer_Tarsoly

Project Studio Team WS 22/23: Csaba TarsolyDaniel Stockhammer 
WS 22/23_Advanced Studio Upcycling_EN_Tarsoly_Stockhammer

Project Studio Team SS 22: Csaba Tarsoly, Daniel Stockhammer 
SS 22_Advanced Studio Upcycling_EN_Tarsoly_Stockhammer

Project Studio Team WS 21/22: Alberto Alessi, Anna-Lydia Capaul
WS 21/22_Advanced Studio Upcycling_EN_Alessi_Capaul