University of Liechtenstein once again Occupies a Top Position as an Entrepreneurial University

University of Liechtenstein once again Occupies a Top Position as an Entrepreneurial University

In the recently published GUESSS Report 2023 (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey), the University of Liechtenstein once again took the top spot in the DACHLI region and achieved impressive results in an international comparison.
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Mid-term presentations in the Startup Lab

Mid-term presentations in the Startup Lab

On Friday, April 26, the mid-term presentations of the Startup Lab from the Master's program in Entrepreneurship and Management took place at the University of Liechtenstein.
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Conference paper receives Dick Marsh Award at ISPIM Connects in Porto Alegre

Conference paper receives Dick Marsh Award at ISPIM Connects in Porto Alegre

Marie Scheuffele, Niels Fetkenheuer and Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht from the Chair of Technology and Innovation received the Dick Marsh Award for their conference paper "An Attempt at Data-Driven Validation of Early-Stage Technology Trends" at ISPIM Connects Porto Alegre in Brazil. The award recognizes the conference paper for best illustrating the influence of innovation management among all the research papers submitted.
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Data-Driven Foresight in Life Cycle Management: An Interview Study

Data-Driven Foresight in Life Cycle Management: An Interview Study

Discontinuities in the market create space for disruptive business opportunities. Companies are therefore increasingly interested in proactively identifying future competitive advantages. Researchers Marie Scheuffele, Dr. Niklas Bayrle-Kelso and Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht published their paper on Data-Driven Foresight in Digital Disruption and Transformation Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics 2024.
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Alumni Year Reunion after 12 years

Alumni Year Reunion after 12 years

At the beginning of February, the graduating class of the Master's in Entrepreneurship from 2012 returned to the campus of the University of Liechtenstein after more than a decade. A reunion that became a special occasion, especially thanks to the visit of the former Executive Board.
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😊/👍/🙄 – Wie Emojis die digitale Führungskommunikation effizienter und persönlicher gestalten können

😊/👍/🙄 – Wie Emojis die digitale Führungskommunikation effizienter und persönlicher gestalten können

Das rasante Tempo der Digitalisierung am Arbeitsplatz stellt Führungskräfte und Mitarbeitende vor die Herausforderung, sich an digitale Kommunikationsformen zu gewöhnen. Prof. Dr. Marco Furtner, Liechtenstein Business School, und Simon Liegl, MSc, haben untersucht, ob es Führungskräften möglich ist, auch in Zeiten der voranschreitenden Digitalisierung und der Verlagerung ins Home-Office Emotionen in der Kommunikation mit ihren Mitarbeitenden zu zeigen.
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Entrepreneurship is characterised by entrepreneurial thinking and action. At its core, it deals with identifying innovative business opportunities and implementing them in the market. The creative implementation of this vision affects every aspect of the Institute for Entrepreneurship – theory, continuing education, research, and knowledge and technology transfer.

Institut für Entrepreneurship

Kick-off INNOPro Talks: Liegt die Zukunft in den Daten? Data Driven Foresight als Methode der Zukunftsforschung

Donnerstag, 08. August 2024
16:30 - 18:00 Uhr
Ebaholz Aula, Universität Liechtenstein

Die Professur für Technologie und Innovation der Liechtenstein Business School lädt zum Kick-off ihrer neuen Seminarreihe «INNOPro Talks» ein. Es erwa ...

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Virtueller Themenabend «EU-Action plan on preventing money laundering and terrorism financing»

Montag, 26. August 2024, 17:30 - 18:30 Uhr
Ort: Online (via Teams; Teilnahme-Link wird nach Anmeldung per E-Mail verschickt)

Informationsveranstaltung zu den berufsbegleitenden Studiengängen Executive Master of Laws (LL.M.) im Wirtschaftsstrafrecht und Zertifikatsstudieng ...

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Infoveranstaltung DAS Digital Business Leader

04.09.2024 18:00 - 19:00

Führungskompetenzen für die digitale Transformation Die Arbeitswelt wird durch digitale Innovationen immer komplexer. Als Digital Business Leader las ...

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University of Liechtenstein once again Occupies a Top Position as an Entrepreneurial University
News, Highlight, Slider

University of Liechtenstein once again Occupies a Top Position as an Entrepreneurial University

In the recently published GUESSS Report 2023 (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Student's Survey), the University of Liechtenstein once again took the top spot in the DACHLI region and achieved impressive results in an international comparison.

May 22, 2024

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Mid-term presentations in the Startup Lab
News, Highlight, Slider

Mid-term presentations in the Startup Lab

On Friday, April 26, the mid-term presentations of the Startup Lab from the Master's program in Entrepreneurship and Management took place at the University of Liechtenstein.

May 07, 2024

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Conference paper receives Dick Marsh Award at ISPIM Connects in Porto Alegre
News, Highlight, Slider

Conference paper receives Dick Marsh Award at ISPIM Connects in Porto Alegre

Marie Scheuffele, Niels Fetkenheuer and Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht from the Chair of Technology and Innovation received the Dick Marsh Award for their conference paper "An Attempt at Data-Driven Validation of Early-Stage Technology Trends" at ISPIM Connects Porto Alegre in Brazil. The award recognizes the conference paper for best illustrating the influence of innovation management among all the research papers submitted.

Apr 18, 2024

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Data-Driven Foresight in Life Cycle Management: An Interview Study
News, Highlight, Slider

Data-Driven Foresight in Life Cycle Management: An Interview Study

Discontinuities in the market create space for disruptive business opportunities. Companies are therefore increasingly interested in proactively identifying future competitive advantages. Researchers Marie Scheuffele, Dr. Niklas Bayrle-Kelso and Prof. Dr. Leo Brecht published their paper on Data-Driven Foresight in Digital Disruption and Transformation Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics 2024.

Mar 05, 2024

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Alumni Year Reunion after 12 years
News, Highlight, Slider

Alumni Year Reunion after 12 years

At the beginning of February, the graduating class of the Master's in Entrepreneurship from 2012 returned to the campus of the University of Liechtenstein after more than a decade. A reunion that became a special occasion, especially thanks to the visit of the former Executive Board.

Feb 22, 2024

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😊/👍/🙄 – How emojis can make digital management communication more efficient and personal

😊/👍/🙄 – How emojis can make digital management communication more efficient and personal

The rapid pace of digitalization in the workplace presents managers and employees with the challenge of adapting to digital forms of communication. Prof. Dr. Marco Furtner, Liechtenstein Business School, and Simon Liegl, MSc, have investigated whether it is possible for managers to show emotion when communicating with their employees, even in times of advancing digitalization and the shift to working from home.

Feb 20, 2024

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Start-up personalities visit the University of Liechtenstein
Good to know, Highlight

Start-up personalities visit the University of Liechtenstein

Three highly prestigious speakers from the event ‘Impuls Liechtenstein – Erfolgsfaktor Innovation’ [‘Impulse Liechtenstein – Innovation as a Success Factor’], recently visited the University of Liechtenstein, together with government representative Dr Thomas Dünser. They were Dr Alex von Frankenberg, Christian Reber and David Schirrmacher.

Nov 02, 2016

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Graduation ceremony April 2016

Graduation ceremony April 2016

The graduation ceremony of the University of Liechtenstein took place on Friday, 22 April 2016. 88 graduates of the university received their Bachelor’s and Master’s degree diplomas. In addition, prizes were awarded to six graduates for exceptional performance.

Apr 26, 2016

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Think with passion – study in Liechtenstein

Think with passion – study in Liechtenstein

Information Day on 28 November, 2015, from 1.00 to 4.00 pm.

Oct 19, 2015

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Graduation ceremony September 2015

Graduation ceremony September 2015

The 2015 Graduation Ceremony of the University of Liechtenstein took place on Friday, 25 September 2015. 113 university leavers received their BA and MA diplomas. In addition, prizes were awarded to six students for exceptional achievements. 

Sep 30, 2015

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Alumni Reunion

Alumni Reunion

Over 35 alumni from all around Europe returned to the University of Liechtenstein for our first alumni reunion last Friday. Over a delicious BBQ former students had the opportunity to reconnect with old friends, to get to know other alumni and to exchange their experiences they have made since graduation. It was great to welcome all of you and we already looking forward to next year’s alumni reunion! Impressions of the reunion evening.

Aug 20, 2015

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Good to know: Latest version of study broschure online

Good to know: Latest version of study broschure online

Study with prospects: The University of Liechtenstein is eager to constantly adapt its study programmes to the current challenges of the regional and international job markets. The new range of offers in the Bachelor's, Master's and PhD programmes - now online.
To the new brochure

Aug 04, 2015

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Liechtenstein EMBA students visit Stanford

Liechtenstein EMBA students visit Stanford

At the invitation of Stanford University, students on the MBA course of the University of Liechtenstein travelled to innovative Silicon Valley. 

Aug 03, 2015

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Four old new houses for the energy city Vaduz

Four old new houses for the energy city Vaduz

Eleven students of architecture and economics threw their specialist skills and knowledge into the scales. Their ‘Energy Renovation’ project develops innovative solutions for the energy-efficient renovation of four houses in the energy city Vaduz.

Jul 09, 2015

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Introduction Week: Semester Memory Map

Introduction Week: Semester Memory Map

Five students from Romania, Mexico, China and Germany took the opportunity of the Introduction Week 2014 to present the variety of nationalities on the campus on a map. The result shows 27 testimonials of international students about their study time at the University of Liechtenstein. To the map

Jul 01, 2015

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Storify: Study trip to the Silicon Valley

Storify: Study trip to the Silicon Valley

Design Thinking @UC Berkeley - behind the scenes of ‪#‎ebay‬ - insights @Stanford University: ‪#‎unili‬ Entrepreneurship masterstudents share their experiences in the‪ #‎SiliconValley‬ on Storify.

Jun 19, 2015

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