HomeWho 's who

Prof. Dr. Daniel Stockhammer

Liechtenstein School of Architecture
Built Heritage & Upcycling
Member of the Rectorate
Current Activity
Daniel Stockhammer is responsible for the focus area and unit "Built Heritage & Upcycling" at the LSA. As an architect and academic, he works towards the systematic analysis and evolution of the built environment as a repository of material and cultural resources. Convinced that sustainable design must start with what has already been produced, rather than a blank canvas, future architecture commence with an inventory and principles of reconfiguration and reassembly. With the concept of borrowing (instead of disposing) resources for a certain time and form, he places principles of reuse and circularity, and buildings as material banks, at the forefront of architectural design. The focus in both research and teaching lies on survey & inventory, preservation & repair, reuse & circularity as fundamental design principles. His published works include various articles and books, such as "Building Additions in Steel" ("Weiterbauen in Stahl" DE, "Continuer en Acier" FR) and "Upcycling: Reuse and Repurposing as a Design Principle in Architecture" (EN/DE).
2012 — 2015

Dissertation (Dr. sc. ETH) at the Institute of Historic Building Research and Conservation, ETH Zurich, with Prof. Dr. Uta Hassler and Prof. Dr. Manfred Schuller (co-examiner, Technische Universität München); funding provided by SNF (Swiss National Science Foundation) doctoral grant

2008 — 2010

Architectural studies and master's thesis (MSc ETH Arch) with Prof. Jacques Herzog and Prof. Pierre de Meuron at the ETH Studio Basel on the reactivation of abandoned urban areas by the river Barada in Damascus. On-site support provided by Prof. Sinan Hassan (architect) and Hani Munif (architect and conservationist), Syria

2005 — 2007

Architectural studies with Prof. Zaha Hadid and Prof. Dr. h.c. Wolf D. Prix, University of Applied Arts Vienna; parallel degree course (BSc Arch) at the Technische Universität Wien

2003 — 2005

Architectural studies at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences; 2007/08 gap year with degree (Dipl. Arch. FH)

since 2022

Member of the Rectorate of the University of Liechtenstein.

since 2021

Professor for Built Heritage and Circular Construction, Head of Institute, Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein
Dean of the Liechtenstein School of Architecture (since 2023)

2018 — 2021

Postdoc and Assistant Professor for Heritage and Cycle-Oriented Architecture, Institute of Architecture and Planning, University of Liechtenstein

2017 — 2018

Lecturer in "space and assembly" with a focus on structural design, School of Architecture, University of Applied Sciences St.Gallen

2016 — 2017

Head of research project entitled "Weiterbauen in Stahl. Architektur der Aufstockung" with Astrid Staufer and Daniel Meyer, Institute for Constructive Design, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

2012 — 2015

Research assistant, Institute of Historic Building Research and Conservation, ETH Zurich, teaching duties included a focus on wood construction, design and construction in existing fabric and building surveys; participation in research and publication projects

2011 — 2015

Design architect with Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, work on study contracts and competition tasks (2011), after that, freelance work in Zurich with a focus on renovation work and building research;
since 2011 Member of the SIA (Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects)

2010 — 2015

Key projects (selected): addition of extra storeys to former restaurant "Zur Linde", Brunnadern; with Paul Rutz: Renovation of an inner-city building (16th cent.), Lichtensteig; 3D digitisation and restoration of a tower stove (17th cent.); partial renovation of a farm house, Ottoberg; renovation strategy for the Bräggerhaus building (16th cent.), Bütschwil; repurposing project involving the former transformer tower (19th cent.), Dietfurt; study contracts and competitions with honors

2008 — 2010

Assistance at the BUK / Building Technology and Construction, Institute of Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich


Project architect for infrastructure, commercial and industrial construction

2005 — 2006

Editor, "Prinz Eisenbeton", Studio Prix, University of Applied Arts Vienna

Schedule for SS 25
Patent and reciprocal support structures
Preproposal PhD-Thesis, since September 2023

Today, there is almost no building without the use of patented construction elements and with the increase in technological progress, the patent is gaining in importance in terms of rationalization, ... more ...

Circular construction with modular building blocks. Potentials of reusability of components from patent applications 1877-1960
FFF-Förderprojekt, July 2023 until December 2024

The construction sector öfters the highest potential for reducing waste and resource depletion that a rising environmental and climate challenge so urgently needs: Through enduring use instead of ... more ...

The Life After. To the History of Re-Use in Architecture in the 20th century
PhD-Thesis, since September 2021

The history of architecture is a history of completed buildings and ended narratives. In a circular construction economy, however, the end of a building is also the beginning of a new story. Due to ... more ...

Buildings as digital material banks. BIM tools for construction material recovery in planning process and building disassembly.
PhD-Thesis, since September 2021

Transition from linear (take, make, dispose) towards circular economy (make, use, recycle) is a fundamental prerequisite for achieving a sustainable growth and limiting global warming. Digitalization ... more ...

Renewable Architecture - the Circular Building as a Material Bank and Repository of Knowledge
API-Förderprojekt, November 2019 until October 2022

The construction industry is the main cause of global pollution, resource depletion, and consumption of energy from nonrenewable sources. The complete reincorporation of building materials into ... more ...

Reusing & Upcycling Architecture: Rethinking the way we build things
FFF-Förderprojekt, November 2018 until October 2019 (finished)

The exploitation and destruction of the environment makes a paradigm change in the consumption of resources imperative: in the future, building 'new' must be separated from the dogma of constructing ... more ...

  • Stockhammer, D., & Furrer, B. (2022). Einfälle statt Abfälle. Phänomene der Wieder- und Weiterverwendung im alpinen Bauen. k a, Kunst und Architektur in der Schweiz, 73(1).

  • Stockhammer, D. (2021). The New New? Curated Second Hand as a (Re)Construction Principle for Notre-Dame de Paris. CTCSE Current Trends in Civil & Structural Engineering, 7(4/2021).

  • Stockhammer, D. (2020). Spoliation und Assemblage. Upcycling Notre-Dame. der architekt, 4/20, 30-33.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2016). Schweizer Holzbautradition. Ernst Gladbachs Konstruktion eines ländlichen Nationalstils. Zürich: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule ETH, Diss.

  • D. Stockhammer (Ed.). (2020). Upcycling. Reuse and Repurposing as a Design Principle in Architecture / Upcycling. Wieder- und Weiterverwendung als Gestaltungsprinzip in der Architektur. Zurich: Triest Verlag.

  • D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.). (2019). Building Additions in Steel: The Architecture of Vertical Extensions. Zürich: Park Books.

  • D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.). (2018). Weiterbauen in Stahl. Architektur der Aufstockung. Zürich: Park Books.

  • D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.). (2018). Continuer en accier. L'architecture de la surélévation. Zürich: Park Books.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2020). The Building as Process / Das Bauwerk als Prozess. In Upcycling. Reuse and Repurposing as a Design Principle in Architecture / Upcycling. Wieder- und Weiterverwendung als Gestaltungsprinzip in der Architektur (pp. 14-31).

  • Stockhammer, D. (2020). Reuse as a Design Principle in Historicism: On the Reinventiion of the "Original" Swiss House on the Rütli / Wiederverwendung als Gestaltungsprinzip im Historismus: Zur Neuerfindung des Schweizer "Urhauses" auf dem Rütli. In Upcycling. Reuse and Repurposing as a Design Principle in Architecture / Upcycling. Wieder- und Weiterverwendung als Gestaltungsprinzip in der Architektur (pp. 70-89).

  • Entner, P., & Stockhammer, D. (2020). From Linear to Circular Construction: Liechtenstein's Building Stock as the Material Bank of the Future? / Vom linearen zum zirkularen Bauen: Liechtensteins Baubestand als Materialbank der Zukunft. In Upcycling. Reuse and Repurposing as a Design Principle in Architecture / Upcycling. Wieder- und Weiterverwendung als Gestaltungsprinzip in der Architektur (pp. 132-147).

  • Stockhammer, D. (2018). Die Aufstockung als Konzept und Konstrukt. Vom Ideal der Komplettierung zur Reformierung des Bestandes. In D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.), Weiterbauen in Stahl. Architektur der Aufstockung (pp. 11-19). Zürich: Park Books.

  • (franz. Übers.) Stockhammer, D. (2018). La surélévation comme concept et comme construction. De l'idéal du complément à la réorganisation du bâti. In D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.), Continuer en acier. L'architecture de la surélévation (pp. 11-19). Zürich: Park Books.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2018). Neue Konstruktion in altem Kleid. Zur "Blitzarchitektur" der Salamander-Schuhfabrik in Kornwestheim von Philipp Jakob Manz im Jahr 1927. In D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.), Weiterbauen in Stahl. Architektur der Aufstockung. (pp. 38-49). Zürich: Park Books.

  • (franz. Übers.) Stockhammer, D. (2018). Une nouvelle construction dans de vieux habits. À propos de l'"architecture-éclair" de l'usine de chaussures Salamander à Kornwestheim par Philipp Jakob Manz en 1927. In D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.), Continuer en acier. L'architecture de la surélévation. (pp. 38-49). Zürich: Park Books.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2018). Gestaltung durch konstruktives Denken. Die Erweiterung der Architekturfakultät Hannover von Friedrich Spengelin und Horst Wunderlich von 1961 bis 1966. In D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.), Weiterbauen in Stahl. Architektur der Aufstockung. (pp. 64-79). Zürich: Park Books.

  • (franz. Übers.) Stockhammer, D. (2018). Concevoir par la pensée constructive. Extension de la faculté d'architecture de Hanovre par Friedrich Spengelin et Horst Wunderlich de 1961 à 1966. In D. Stockhammer, A. Staufer & D. Meyer (Eds.), Continuer en acier. L'architecture de la surélévation (pp. 64-79). Zürich: Park Books.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2018). Transparency and Renewal. St. Catherine's church by Rudolf Schwarz, Krickerhau (1942) & Liebfrauenkirche by Dominikus and Gottfried Böhm, Püttlingen (1954). In U. Meister & V. Kaps (Eds.), Transparency (pp. 130-137). Vaduz: University of Liechtenstein.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2016). Technisierung einer Tradition: Zur Übersetzung tradierter Bauformen in industrielle Muster im sogenannten Laubsägestil. In Stiftung Schloss Hünegg & Roth-Stiftung Burgdorf (Ed.), Chalet Suisse. Bern: Roth-Stiftung.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2016). Der erfundene Nationalstil. Zur ausländischen Konstruktion des "Schweizerhauses" am Übergang von der Vedutenmalerei zur Bauforschung des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. In Stiftung Schloss Hünegg & Roth-Stiftung Burgdorf (Ed.), Chalet Suisse (pp. 33 - 40). Bern: Roth-Stiftung.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2016). Zur Konstruktion heimatlicher Idealbilder. "Dörfli"-Ansichten als Vorläufer der Reformarchitektur. In U. Hassler (Ed.), Heimat, Handwerk und die Utopie des Alltäglichen (pp. 384-400). München: Hirmer.

  • Hassler, U., & Stockhammer, D. (2013). Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Bauplans: Wissenstransfer, Demonstration einer Bauidee oder Anleitung zum Bauen? Und: Automatisierung der Zeichentechnik und Kopierverfahren der Planherstellung um 1900. In A. Spiro & D. Ganzoni (Eds.), Der Bauplan. Werkzeug des Architekten. (pp. 284-293). Zürich: Park Books.

  • (engl. Übers.) Hassler, U., & Stockhammer, D. (2013). On the development of the building plan: Knowledge transfer, demonstration of ideas, or instructions for building? Und: Automation of the drawing technique and copy method in plan production around 1900. In A. Spiro & D. Ganzoni (Eds.), The Working Drawing. The architect's tool. (pp. 284-293). Zürich: Park Books.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2024). Entreport Building - From recycling to principles of reuse. Presented at the Upcycling Architecture in Italy, Milan, Italy.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2024). Wieder- und Weiterverwendung als Gestaltungsprinzip. Abfall als immaterielle Ressource in der Architektur. Presented at the Die neue Baukultur des Wiederverwendens, Darmstadt, Germany.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2023). Wiederverwendung als Gestaltungsprinzip - Zum Kulturtransfer und Ressourcenerhalt in der Architektur. Presented at the Wege zur Bauwende, Kaiserslautern, Deutschland.

  • Stockhammer, D. (2023). Kulturtransfer und Ressourcenerhalt in der Architektur. Presented at the Wege zur Bauwende. Architektur klima- und ressourcenschonend konstruiert, Frankenstein, Germany.

  • Guntern, U. m. (2018). Die vertikale Erweiterung von Häusern.

  • Tomaczak-Plekawa, A. m. (2016). Der Mythos vom Chalet bröckelt.

  • Wittmann, F., & Stockhammer, D. (2009). Ein Hochregallager für Peter Sloterdijk.
