Module WS 2024/2025

Data Management covers the modern data-management cycle, from the collection of data from diverse sources to the preparation of data for data-driven applications. Students learn how to handle various data formats, how to assess and improve data quality, and how to store and process data using SQL, NoSQL, and Hadoop technologies. The course covers eight primary topics:

  • Modern data-management requirements
  • Database system architecture
  • Diagnosing and handling data quality problems
  • Relational databases (SQL)
  • Hands-on labs with MySQL
  • Concurrency control techniques
  • NoSQL databases (e.g., MongoDB)
  • Apache Hadoop (HDFS, MapReduce)
  • Cost of capital and capital budgeting
  • Discounted cash flow valuation and financial multiples
  • Payout policy
  • Equity and debt financing
  • Applications of option pricing theory
  • Corporate control and recapitalizations
  • Enterprise Risk Management
  • Role and Responsibility of Owners
  • Practice of Right of Control for Various Actors
  • Board structures and diversity
  • Theory, Principles, and World-Views
  • The Ethical Leader: Self-Mastery and Ethics, Mind-Sets
  • Corporate Ethics: Shared Values, Professionalism (as part of Standards of Professional Conduct)
  • Developing research questions and hypothesis
  • Designing qualitative and quantitative research
  • Writing and communicating research proposals
  • Theory, Principles, and World-Views on Ethics
  • The Ethical Leader: Self-Mastery and Ethics, Mind-Sets
  • Corporate Ethics: Shared Values, Professionalism (as part of Standards of Professional Conduct)
Paper-based preparation of topics, strategy implementation and testing, presentation and discussion
  • Investment Strategies by Asset Class: Equity, Fixed Income, Derivatives Strategies
  • Investment Strategies for Different Economic Environments
  • Asset Management Practice
  • Modelling the Human Life Cycle
  • Models of Human Mortality
  • Valuation Models of Deterministic Interest
  • Models of Risky Financial Investments
  • Models of Pension Life Annuities
  • Models of Life Insurance
  • Models of DB vs. DC Pensions
  • Sustainable Spending at Retirement
  • The Liechtenstein Pension System
Opportunity Recognition & Business Models
  • Gelegenheiten systematisch erkennen und nutzen.
  • Market-Pull, Technology-Push und Blue Ocean.
  • Opportunity Recognition als Prozess.
  • Systematisierung von Geschäftsmodellen und den Bestandteilen.
  • Analyse und Bewertung von Geschäftsmodellen.
  • Anwendung von Big Data Algorithmen zu Identifikation neuer Märkte und Technologien.
  • Introduction to financial marketsInterest rates and bond pricesThe structure of interest ratesMarket efficiencyMonetary policyMoney marketsBond marketsMortgage marketsDerivative markets